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The latest news from the USA MVNO market and prepaid wireless industries.
Straight Talk Wireless 2GB Plan Disappears Again

By Joe Paonessa • 06/06/17

It turns out that new cell phone plan that Straight Talk temporarily posted back in April was no fluke after all.  It’s just that the company posted it to their website a litt...

Consumer Cellular Approaching One Billion In Annual Revenue

By Joe Paonessa • 06/06/17

Consumer Cellular has announced that it recently signed up its 2 millionth customer, which is more than double the amount it had signed up 3 years ago according to an article...

ATT Offering 25 dollars off of DirecTV Now with wireless subscription

By Joe Paonessa • 06/05/17

Since its launch, AT&T has been pushing its DirecTV Now service pretty hard on consumers. I even subscribed in their initial launch phase.  At that time AT&T was givin...

By Joe Paonessa • 06/02/17

Verizon has added more data to its prepaid plans, and I say big whoop.  They’re simply unimpressive and noncompetitive, but’s lets have a look at the changes before we continu...

After A Little Over A Year In Business, Charge Decides To Shut Down

By Joe Paonessa • 06/01/17

Charge launched itself into the MVNO stratosphere with good intentions in early 2016.  The Sprint MVNO hoped to differentiate itself from other providers by offering data only...

Cricket Wireless 50 Dollar Port In Switcher Credit

By Joe Paonessa • 05/27/17

Cricket Wireless has announced another promotion for those that are willing to make the switch to the AT&T prepaid brand.  To be eligible, potential subscribers must port...

netTALK Wireless Announces Unlimited LTE Data

By Joe Paonessa • 05/27/17

netTALK Wireless has announced an update to the only cell phone plan that it sells.  For just $40/month with autopay billing enabled, subscribers can get unlimited talk, text...

T-Mobile DIGITS Logo

By Joe Paonessa • 05/25/17

Starting Wednesday, May 31st, T-Mobile is transferring all of its customer phone lines over to its DIGITS system.  DIGITS technology is made possible by what T-Mobile calls IM...

T-Mobile Launches Data Free Unlimited Talk And Text Plan

By Joe Paonessa • 05/24/17

T-Mobile announced today what it is calling the #GetOutoftheRed promotion.  Those of you that have one of several phones on an installment plan from Verizon, will get it paid...

Ting Wireless Haiku Contest Giveaway

By Joe Paonessa • 05/24/17

Updated: 5/24/2017 Sprint and T-Mobile MVNO Ting is currently running a promotional giveaway and it’s pretty easy to enter.  To enter, simply take a screenshot of your home sc...

Waived Fees To Contact United Kingdom Manchester Terrorist Attack

By Joe Paonessa • 05/23/17

In the aftermath of yesterdays terrorist attack in Manchester, both AT&T and Sprint are temporarily waiving fees for calls and text messages to the UK. Sprint, Boost Mobil...

Mast Mobile Closes Down

By Joe Paonessa • 05/19/17

Mast Mobile launched with much promise over 1 year ago.  The company was started in part by two former Virgin Mobile executives who together with a couple of other partners we...

H2O Wireless 50 percent off first month promo

By Joe Paonessa • 05/19/17

Updated: May 19, 2017 Prepaid Phone News spotted a dealer post at Howardforums that H2O’s double the data promotion will continue to run until the end of June.  By the time th...

Ultra Mobile Flex Family Plans

By Joe Paonessa • 05/18/17

T-Mobile MVNO Ultra Mobile has introduced some new phone plans that they call Flex Plans, additionally the provider has announced that it will shut down its sister brand, Univ...

US Mobile Launches Service On Verizon Network Summer 2017

By Joe Paonessa • 05/18/17

US Mobile has announced on their website that they have partnered with “the biggest and most dependable 4G LTE network in America” which I take to mean Verizon, since that is...