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The latest news from the USA MVNO market and prepaid wireless industries.
Consumer Cellular Launches Samsung Galaxy J3 And J7

By Joe Paonessa • 07/24/17

Consumer Cellular announced today the addition of two new phones to its lineup, the Samsung Galaxy J3 and Samsung Galaxy J7 priced at $100 and $150 respectively.  Both phones...

T-Mobile Enables Scam Phone Call Blocking For MetroPCS

By Joe Paonessa • 07/24/17

A few months ago T-Mobile announced that it would provide its customers with the ability to screen phone calls for scammers and spammers.  Today the company announced that its...

Kajeet Mobile Closing Down Effective 8/23/2017

By Joe Paonessa • 07/20/17

Kajeet has been notifying its subscribers that they will be ending cell phone service effective 8/23/2017.  The company has stopped activating new lines, and has partnered wit...

Cricket Wireless Logo

By Joe Paonessa • 07/20/17

The following has been confirmed true, and the post has been updated with new information. Rumor has it that Cricket Wireless will launch a new promotion next Friday, July 21,...

Is Apple Charging MVNO's For Customer Access To The APN Settings Menu

By Joe Paonessa • 07/18/17

Over two years ago a BestMVNO site reader informed me that they were locked out of the part of their iPhone’s settings menu that would allow them to setup an APN.  They notice...

MetroPCS Launches Motorola E4

By Joe Paonessa • 07/17/17

MetroPCS will be launching the Mototola Moto E4 on July 31st and it will be available for free from participating retail locations for those who port in their number.  Port-in...

Straight Talk Wireless $100 Off Samsung Galaxy S

By Joe Paonessa • 07/17/17

Straight Talk Wireless is currently running a special on both the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+.  Those that purchase either device with a phone plan will receive $100 off of the...

US Mobile Updates Phone Plans In July 2017

By Joe Paonessa • 07/17/17

It looks like US Mobile’s stellar offering of a whopping 10 GB of data for $32/month proved to be too costly to maintain as the T-Mobile and soon to be Verizon MVNO announced...

Tello Free Data Promo July 2017

By Joe Paonessa • 07/17/17

It’s been about a month since Tello, last offered a promo.  Today, July 17th, Tello has launched a new promo that will give those that port over free data for their first mont...

Real Mobile Updates Phone Plans July 2017

By Joe Paonessa • 07/15/17

Real Mobile, an MVNO that uses both the Sprint and AT&T networks to provide coverage to its customers has added some new AT&T based phone plans and updated a few other...

MetroPCS Updates Phone Plans

By Joe Paonessa • 07/13/17

MetroPCS updated its cell phone plan offerings a couple of days ago and at least one if not both of the updated plans are a bit of a disappointment to me.  Before I dig into t...

Black Wireless Updates Phone Plans July 2017

By Joe Paonessa • 07/12/17

You can now add seldom talked about Black Wireless to the list of MVNO’s that have recently updated their cell phone plans to include more data at no extra cost to the consume...

ATT GoPhone Rebranded ATT Prepaid

By Joe Paonessa • 07/12/17

It had been rumored for a few weeks, and today it became official.  AT&T has announced that it is rebranding it’s GoPhone brand to “AT&T Prepaid.”  The changeover will...

Credo Mobile Now Offering Unlimited LTE Data Plan

By Joe Paonessa • 07/06/17

Now too long ago, Credo Mobile launched an unlimited LTE data plan available for those with two lines or more.  Now the company is offering the plan for those with a single li...

Verizon MVNOs No Longer Speed Throttled

By Joe Paonessa • 07/05/17

Over the past few weeks I’ve noted around the web that users of TracFone based Verizon MVNO’s have been reporting that they have been experiencing LTE speeds much faster than...