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Red Pocket Mobile’s $15 Phone Plan With 2GB Of Data Is A Steal But It Won’t Last Much Longer

Red Pocket's eBay Deal Is Set To Expire
Red Pocket's eBay Deal Is Set To Expire
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Red Pocket Mobile continues to run a sale on its phone plans sold exclusively through eBay.  One deal that is set to expire on 12/11 at 8 a.m. PST is a real steal as long as you are willing to commit to it for one year.

The phone plan in question features unlimited talk and text with 2 GB of 4G LTE data to use each month at an annual cost of $184.  That works out to an average cost of just $15.33/month.  What makes this plan particularly special is that it can be used on your choice of any network in the USA.  Network choices include AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile and Sprint.

Red Pocket Mobile's eBay plan is currently the cheapest plan in the USA to offer unlimited talk and text with at least 2 GB of data on either the AT&T, Sprint or Verizon network.

By comparison the next cheapest plan with similar features on the AT&T network comes from H2O Wireless and it costs $27/month.  On Sprint a similar plan from TPO Mobile will cost you $25/month.  A similar plan from Total Wireless on Verizon will cost you $28.75/month.

The only MVNO provider with a plan to top this offer comes from Mint SIM.  Mint SIM's got an annual plan priced at an average cost of just $15/month and it also includes 2GB of data.  However, Mint SIM is restricted for use on the T-Mobile network.

If you're willing to commit to an MVNO for 1 year, this offer from Red Pocket Mobile might just be right for you.  Be aware though that if you have an iPhone you won't be able to get MMS working on the AT&T network.  Those with a Google Pixel 2 might have a similar problem if they try to use the plan with Red Pocket's Verizon plan.  Also note that data is not unlimited with this plan.  Once you reach 2GB of data consumed in a month, your data does not slow down, it completely stops.  Red Pocket will however allow you to purchase extra data if you need it priced at $2 for 100 MB.

Purchase This Red Pocket Mobile Deal

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