Metro by T-Mobile has launched two new TV ads to support some of its recent deal launches. Wave7 Research described the new ads in a prepaid report just sent out by the firm to its subscribers. One of the ads pitches Metro's free iPhone 12 Mini offer and the other touts Metro's $25 unlimited data plan switcher deal. The iPhone 12 Mini offer has also been supported by radio advertising. However, Metro's radio advertising has decreased greatly since the early summer.
Free iPhone 12 Mini Commercial And Deal
Metro continues to use its "rule your day" tagline in its latest TV ad. The tagline made its first appearance in commercials that aired in early 2020.
The iPhone 12 Mini commercial tells viewers that "only Metro by T-Mobile allows you to say hello to 5G with the amazing iPhone 12 Mini on us." It's just a 14 second clip which you can check out below.
The iPhone 12 Mini offer is full of tons of fine print which is depicted in the commercial. It's only available to customers who switch from another provider and trade-in their old phone. It excludes those switching from T-Mobile or who have had their number active with Metro/T-Mobile within the past 180 days. The phone is made "free" after the subscriber's third month of paid service by way of a $150 virtual prepaid MasterCard. Taxes on the device are extra and the offer is not valid in CT/RI/Miami-Dade. The free iPhone 12 Mini offer launched in the third week of July.
$25 Switcher Unlimited Data Plan TV Ad
This new ad introduces viewers to "The Big 5G Upgrade From Metro by T-Mobile." The audience is then told to "ditch" their "overpriced connection with Boost and Cricket," and that they can save half by making the switch. Metro's $25 unlimited data plan offer is then touted highlighting that it includes 5G access. The offer also includes a free Samsung Galaxy 5G phone with trade-in. You can watch the commercial below.
The $25 unlimited plan offer for switchers launched at the end of July. The offer details and fine print have been previously described by BestMVNO.
Metro also continues to offer one month of unlimited data for $5 to bring your own device switchers. Radio support for the offer has been plenty. Wave7 Research notes that Metro experienced a higher percentage of bring your own device activations in July with more than 20% of activations being accounted for by BYOD customers. A shortfall of Android phones due to supply chain issues and the $5 switcher deal are two big contributing factors to the shift in activation types.
"Metro is getting feisty. Free iPhone Mini, waived activation fees for switchers, and now new TV ads. Ditch your overpriced connection with Boost and Cricket,' Metro is pitching in a new TV ad. Very feisty." -- Jeff Moore, Principal of Wave7 Research
I know that it’s easy to conjure up nasty things to say about Metro – the typically hellish and often required “Ghettro” in-store experience; the variety of charges that routinely appear for simply paying one’s bill; the AT&T-like qualification requirements, including identification paperwork and soft credit checks; and Metro’s often inferior coverage, due in part to its (prior) crappy network partner and the deprioritization of Metro service relative to that of any other phone subscriber, living or dead,
But this $25 package, even with its warts and limits, isn’t all bad and is probably Metro’s best offer yet.
Not for me, though. The no-hotspot thing pretty much eliminates the need for or value of “unlimited” phone data. And while it’s not a bad package, it doesn’t really compare to the truly unlimited (but possibly more expensive) offerings of Visible or U.S. Mobile.
Nice try, though. Now if only Metro would lose a couple of those asterisks.