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Harbor Mobile Legacy Subscribers Need To Find A New Provider

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Harbor Mobile Is Discontinuing Service For Its Remaining T-Mobile Customers
Harbor Mobile Is Discontinuing Service For Its Remaining T-Mobile Customers


Harbor Mobile was a T-Mobile and ATT business plan reseller.

Over two years ago the company stopped selling service on the T-Mobile network.  At that time its customers were told that they would be able to keep their T-Mobile based plans indefinitely as Harbor Mobile converted over to an AT&T business plan reseller.

Unfortunately, Harbor Mobile's AT&T based business lasted less than one year.  Customers on an AT&T based plan were forced to port out to a new carrier.  Harbor Mobile then stopped accepting new customers altogether.  However, those on the T-Mobile network were still allowed to continue service.

The people behind Harbor Mobile eventually launched a new brand called Teltik.  Like its previous brand, Teltik sells T-Mobile business plans.  To my surprise through all of the changes the Harbor Mobile brand has continued to provide service to its T-Mobile customer base.  However, that is all about to change.

According to a post on Howard Forums, Harbor Mobile will finally be ending all service on December 1st, 2017 as that is the day that Harbor Mobile's contract with T-Mobile runs out.  Harbor Mobile says that it will allow its customers to migrate over to Teltik without an interruption of service and they'll get to keep their old rates if they so choose. The company sent out the following email to its remaining customers about the discontinuation of service:

Hey there,

Firstly, the staff at Harbor Mobile would like to thank you for your business and loyalty, and for allowing us to provide your business with its critical communications. As a reseller, Harbor has enjoyed a strong and solid relationship with T-Mobile over the years. Like many good things in life, our resell agreement with T-Mobile is coming to an end on December 1st, 2017 and the time has come for our business clients to transition to bigger and better, with all transitions completed in 30 days by December 8th, 2017. We would like to therefore offer the following options to you:

Primary Option: Harbor has identified a preferred business solution which we believe our business clients will love. Teltik Communications, a T-Mobile business reseller, is offering a business PBX communication platform service allowing you to manage your mobile communications from just about anywhere. A special offer has been put together for Harbor clients and we have worked on a simple way to migrate your service. [NOTE: There will be NO interruption of service on your plans and Teltik will honor your existing rates.] Simply reply with the following:

1. Company name
2. If a corporation, supply business tax ID (Inc, LLC etc)
3. Additionally, you may send in any official documentation (provided by state or official entity) that verifies your business. i.e. certificate of incorporation, DBA form, business license, sales and use form etc.
4. If you are self employed, a sole proprietor, contractor or similar in nature and do not have an EIN, respond with a document from an official entity stating the name of your business. This may include a business registration, DBA form, sales and use form, business license or business permit etc.
5. Once we receive business documentation your Harbor lines will be transitioned over to Teltik Communications and you will also be receiving access to their FREE PBX platform solution.
Additional Options:
a) You can also sign up as a customer directly on Teltik’s platform at, which includes business verification in the signup process, and receive access to their PBX solution, while transitioning over to their rates and keeping your line on the T-Mobile network.
b) Alternatively, T-Mobile direct has been pumping out some amazing promotions in terms of monthly plans, Sync-drive for your fleets, hotspot devices for your office data backup or tablet plans for when you are on the move.
b) (Although we believe that T-Mobile has the best service), you may port out to the carrier of your choice. We will support you through the process and there is no need to call T-Mobile directly.

Kindly respond with your choice at your earliest convenience. For any questions and to ensure the simple transition of your line(s) please get in touch 24 hours a day:
Harbor Mobile: 888-701-8816 or [email protected]
Teltik Communications: 888*-406-2838 or [email protected]

Sincerely yours,
The Harbor Mobile team

If you are a Harbor Mobile customer in search of a new plan, Teltik does offer some great plans at competitive rates.   It's unlimited everything plan is priced at just $40/month.

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