US Mobile is an MVNO that began offering service in 2014. The company operates in a fashion that is similar to both Tello, and Ting, in that it offers its customers the ability to custom build their own phone plans. Today, the company wrote in to BestMVNO to give notice that they have updated their cell phone plans.
Across the board, all of US Mobile's plan options have improved. Subscribers can now choose a talk plan with more included minutes, a text plan with more included texts and a data plan that includes more data than before, all at the same price as before.
Before I cover all of your new options, lets jump straight to what some of you will likely find to be the really good stuff.
US Mobile's data options are very competitive and now offer some of the best value in the industry. Those of you that were considering T-Mobile's legendary $30 plan with 5 GB of data that recently got discontinued, may find an alternative plan here with US Mobile.
The company is now offering 4 GB of data for $20, 6 GB of data for $25 and 10 GB of data for just $30!
US Mobile also charges customers a $2 monthly service fee to access their network, making the aforementioned prices $22, $27, and $32 respectively. If you want to see how good these plans are data wise, just have a look at the cheapest cell phone plans table, or this list of data only plans. Nothing really compares, although Mint SIM, does offer some really good prices on data as well. However, to get those great prices, such as $33.25/month for 10 GB of data with unlimited talk and text, you must pay in advance for 1 year! That's a scary proposition for some, given how quickly MVNO's can come and go.
As mentioned, US Mobile's talk plans now include more minutes per dollar and more text messages per dollar. Below I have posted some images of their previous offerings compared to what you can get with the company now.
US Mobile's Old Cell Phone Plan Combinations

US Mobile's Updated Cell Phone Plans For 2017 Offer More Of Everything

So as you can see, the plan changes should be welcomed by everyone. There are now more options available for subscribers to custom build their own phone plan, and those options are cheaper than before. Customers of US Mobile are not forced to choose an allotment from each service provided. If you want a data only plan you can go ahead and build one. You may also be happy to know that all taxes and fees except the federal USF are included with the prices shown, and tethering is allowed!
So what do you think of US Mobile's new phone plans? Will they make you want to consider switching over to the provider?
Good new plans, but without TMobile’s roaming agreements, there are some serious coverage gaps in US Mobile’s service area. I used the service for a month in Austin, TX without issue. The Ting-style allotment plan took some getting used to, but allowed for top ups fine.
Good deal if you have native TMO coverage and need that much LTE-speed data, otherwise IMO the Metro PCS $30 plan that has unlimited everything (only 1 GB LTE) for $30 is a better deal since in includes the TMO Roaming agreements.