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New Unreal Mobile Plan And Promos Include 50GB For $50 For 3-Months

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Unreal Mobile October 2021 Promo


Unreal Mobile has come out with a new plan and promos. There's a new plan with 50GB of high-speed data. There are also offers of buy 1-month get 2-months free on most Unreal Mobile plans. Let's take a closer look.

Unreal Mobile's New 50GB Plan Explained

Unreal Mobile has a new unlimited everything plan with the first 50GB of data available at up to 5G data speeds before throttling to 2G data speeds takes place. It also includes free international calling to over 80 countries. The plan is priced at $60/month. Customers can elect to purchase 12-months of service in advance to get a discount. Those that do will pay an average cost of $45/month for the plan.

Unreal Mobile operates on both the AT&T and T-Mobile networks. However, this plan is restricted for use on the AT&T network. 5G data speeds are currently limited to iPhones. Support for 5G network access is said to be coming to Android devices soon.

Buy 1-Month Get 3-Months Free Promo Explained

There are four phone plans offered by Unreal Mobile. Three of them are currently available as a limited time buy 1-month get 3-months free promo. Here's what's available:

  • $20 - gets you 3GB of monthly high-speed data and 3-months of service. Reg price is $60 for 3-months.
  • $30 - gets you 12GB of monthly high-speed data and 3-months of service. Reg price is $90 for 3-months.
  • $50 - gets you 50GB of monthly high-speed data and 3-months of service. Reg price is $150 for 3-months.

Unfortunately, the promotional plan offerings are limited for use on the AT&T network. You cannot take advantage of the offers if you'd like service on the T-Mobile network. All plans include unlimited everything with 2G data speeds once each plan's high-speed data allotment is consumed.

Is It A Good Deal?

Unreal Mobile is a sister brand to Red Pocket Mobile. Unreal Mobile is offering really great value here with its BOGO deals. However, after the BOGO promotional period ends, Red Pocket Mobile may offer better value.

Red Pocket Mobile offers the same 50GB plan as Unreal Mobile, but it's priced at $50 for 1-month of service. So the plan would cost you $10/month more to have it with Unreal Mobile if you want it as a monthly option. Unreal Mobile is only a better deal at this data allotment if you are willing to pay for service for 12-months in advance.

Red Pocket may also be a better option for most with the other data allotments as well. Red Pocket offers a pay by the month plan with 3GB of monthly data for $20/month. If you want to pay by the month on Unreal Mobile's 3GB plan instead of paying for several months in advance, it will actually cost you $25/month. Red Pocket does not offer a plan with 12GB of high-speed data for use on the AT&T and T-Mobile networks like Unreal Mobile does. However, Red Pocket does offer a monthly plan that uses those networks with 22GB of high-speed data for $40/month. Unreal Mobile charges $45/month for its plan with 12GB of high-speed data if you pay for it as a monthly option. However, the price of the plan does drop down to $30/month as a 3-month option and $25/month if you are willing to pay for it annually. But then for $5 more per month you can buy Red Pocket's annual plan with 20GB of monthly high-speed data on eBay for an average cost of $30/month.

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