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Steven Lahaie
Steven Lahaie
1 year ago

I was told by spectrum, if I dropped my internet from them, I would still have mobile service. I have by the gig, so there would not be any other service fee

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Brand of Phone, Samsung, Motorola, Apple?
carrie sjoholm
carrie sjoholm
1 year ago

we couldnt get the service due to our area even though they said we could then changed it an said they coulndnt do our area, i had orederd phones an had return them, an they have been taking money out of our account for a phone bill we didnt have an never haved. contacted our bank bvut they are still trying to do it, THIS IS THE WORST COMPANY EVER PEOPLE DONT USE THEM THEY WILL TRY TO GET YOUR MONEY AN U WONT HAVE ANY SERVICE, IM GOONA SUE THE HECK OUT OF THEM IF THEY COUNTUE TO TRY AN GET PASS OUR BLOCK WE HAVE FROM OUR BANK . CUST, SERVICE WONT OR CANT HELP EVEN THE MANGERS KEEP SAYING THEY DONT KNOW WHY, HAS ANYONE HAD THIS PROBLEM WITH THEM NEED ADVICE.

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Brand of Phone, Samsung, Motorola, Apple?
1 year ago
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Worst service I have ever had in my life!!!
It just took me 8 minutes to post this 2 minute review. Disconnected 3 times

Constantly have to restart my phone, data is gone in 4 days no way to get more "high speed" data. Just terrible. I can't wait till I can get out of this contract
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Oxnard, ca
Brand of Phone, Samsung, Motorola, Apple?
Galaxy S 5g Ultra
Margarita A Laboy
Margarita A Laboy
2 years ago
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If you buy a cell, and you need to return it, they charge you with restocking fees $50.00, just because you open the box. How did you know if the phone is good, if you don’t open the box.

Cheap but at what cost.
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Brand of Phone, Samsung, Motorola, Apple?
2 years ago

Wow! Thanks for your input.