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MetroPCS Doubles Data To 2GB On $30 Plan

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MetroPCS Doubles Data Of Thirty Dollar Plan
MetroPCS Adds More Data To Its $30 Prepaid Plan


T-Mobile owned MVNO MetroPCS has just increased the amount of data included with its $30 phone plan.  Previously customers on the plan got unlimited talk, text and data with the first 1 GB at 4G LTE speeds.  The updated plan now contains 2 GB of high speed data.

MetroPCS is also offering a group discount on the plan, which gives customers two lines for $50/month.  That's not a too bad of a deal for unlimited talk, text and 2 GB of data per line. You can see how it compares to other plans at that price point by viewing this list of cheap cell phone plans with at least 500 MB of data.

Unfortunately, MetroPCS did not change around any of its other prepaid plans.  At some point I'd imagine the companies $40 plan will also see a big increase in the amount of data that it includes.  Currently, it comes with just 3 GB of high speed data, which is not very competitive compared to prepaid plans from other networks such as AT&T whose $40 GoPhone plan includes 6GB of data.  T-Mobile's network still isn't as robust as AT&T's, so I'd like to see more data at that price point from MetroPCS to compensate.  MetroPCS's plans do at least include Music Unlimited, which allows customers to stream audio from numerous providers without having it count against their high speed data cap.

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7 years ago

Unfortunately, MetroPCS went back to 1GB per line for the $30 plan and eliminated the $5 discount per line on a family plan. Now, if you have two lines you pay $60 and get 1GB per line. They increased the discount on the higher family plans, I believe.