Charge launched itself into the MVNO stratosphere with good intentions in early 2016. The Sprint MVNO hoped to differentiate itself from other providers by offering data only plans for smartphones and tablets. There are only a handful of providers who cater to this particular niche and Charge saw it as an opportunity to capitalize on this underserved market.
Unfortunately, like many MVNO's before it, Charge reached the conclusion that profit margins were simply too low to be able to continue on as a sustainable and quality business.
Charge sent out an email to its subscribers earlier today informing them of this decision. The company will continue operations until the end of June and has currently worked out a deal with Ting to transfer its customers over (details pending). This is the second time this year that an MVNO has closed and sent its customer base over to Ting, with RingPlus being the other provider to do so.
Those who wish to continue on with a data only plan may also want to consider fellow Sprint MVNO Tello, whose plan offerings are significantly cheaper than Ting's.