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Sprint Aggressively Pursues T-Mobile Customers Guaranteeing Minimum of $200 to Trade-in Phone and Also Offering up to $350 to Cover ETF and Installment Balance

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        The war to wrestle away each others subscribers continued today between Sprint and T-Mobile as Sprint announced that it will guarantee all T-Mobile customers instantly a minimum of $200 for porting in their number AND trading in their current working T-Mobile phone at a participating Sprint store.  The offer will be available until 4/9/2015 and it can be combined with Sprint's contract buyout offer where eligible T-Mobile customers can get up to $350 to cover their installment billing balance or early termination fee after online registration.  Sprints cell phone buyback program was popular enough last year that it put over $250 million back into the pockets of new and existing subscribers.

        It's interesting that Sprints attack seems to be aimed primarily at T-Mobile right now given that a majority of the countries subscribers reside on either the AT&T or Verizon networks.  Furthermore Sprint is able to offer something to Verizon and AT&T customers that those companies don't offer, unlimited 4G LTE data.  It's also still possible that Sprint and T-Mobile could one day combine given that T-Mobile's parent company Deutsche Telekom AG is still hoping for a merger with Sprint and thus in that case Sprint would not actually be gaining anything subscriber wise.

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