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Red Pocket Mobile Shuffles Plans Around, One Plan Got A Price Increase

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Red Pocket Mobile Has Shuffled Its Wireless Plans Around
Red Pocket Mobile Has Shuffled Its Wireless Plans Around


Red Pocket Mobile quietly shuffled its wireless plans around. Dennis Bournique of PrepaidCompare tells me that at the $10 price point, Red Pocket now only offers service on the T-Mobile network. Previously the plan was available on all major networks in the USA. The plan was also updated to include unlimited minutes instead of 1,000. Unlimited global texting and free international calling are still included.

Free Plan Offer Through Fed's EBB Program

A little over a week ago, Red Pocket Mobile announced that it was participating in the federal government's Emergency Broadband Benefit program, which BestMVNO covered on Twitter. The EBB program gives eligible consumers a discount of up to $50/month towards their broadband/wireless service.


To participate in the program, Red Pocket elected to bring back a previously discontinued plan and at a lower price. Once again available on Red Pocket's website is an unlimited everything plan with 30GB of high-speed data before throttling to 2G data speeds. It's available on all major networks in the USA including Sprint. When the plan was last available late last year it cost $60/month and was available on all networks except T-Mobile. The price of the plan is now $50/month. This allows Red Pocket to be able to market the plan as being available for free to those qualifying for the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB). Red Pocket is now featuring this offer on their website homepage, and more information about it can be found here. To make room for the new plan on its plan listings page, Red Pocket Mobile has removed the $10 plan from  the listings page. However, it can still be seen by clicking on any plan shown on the plan listings page and then by shuffling through the options presented.

Other Changes Include A Plan Price Hike And Update To eBay Exclusive Plan

Another more subtle change that Red Pocket made is that it increased the price of one of its plans. The plan with unlimited everything and the first 3GB of data available each month at high-speeds before throttling got a price increase to $20. Previously the plan was priced at $19/month. It's available for use on all major networks.

There was also a change made to one of Red Pocket's eBay exclusive plans. The $60 annual plan good for 360 days of service is now available on T-Mobile only. It was previously also compatible with AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon. According to the plan's eBay page the change was made on May 10th. The plan comes with monthly allotments of 100 minutes, 100 texts, and 500MB of high-speed hard capped data. Top-ups are available priced at $2 for an additional 100 minutes or 100 texts or 100 MB of 4G LTE/5G speed data and $5 for an additional 250 minutes or 500 texts or 250 MB of 4G LTE/5G speed data. The top-ups only last for the current billing cycle and do not rollover to the next one.

Those interested in service from Red Pocket and in need of a new iPhone can still take advantage of their $100 off any iPhone offer that also includes a free month of service.

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