A week after Red Pocket Mobile launched some promo plans to help consumers get through the country's current health crisis, the company has launched another promo. All new customers can signup for any monthly Red Pocket Mobile plan for just $5 for their first month of service. This offer includes Red Pocket's unlimited plan that is regularly priced at $60/month. Update 4/14/2020 - Unfortunately this offer has ended, but here is what you missed.
Offer Fine Print
Red Pocket Mobile sells phone plans that operate on the customer's choice of either the AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon network. This $5 for the first month of service promo is only valid for their AT&T and Sprint network plans. No plan is $5 on the T-Mobile or Verizon network. One Sprint plan shows regular pricing although it may be by mistake.
Red Pocket Mobile's $5 for the first-month promo plans are as follows:
Regular pricing is shown so you know what it will cost to renew.
- $10/month - 500 minutes, 500 texts, 500MB hard-capped 4G LTE data. On Red Pocket's page that advertises all phone plans, it shows this plan cost $5, however when I went to check it out it was priced at $10. I suspect Red Pocket is still in the process of launching this promo.
- $15/month - unlimited talk and text, 3GB of high-speed data
- $19/month - unlimited talk and text, 8GB of high-speed data
- $30/month - unlimited talk and text, 15GB of high-speed data
- $40/month - unlimited talk and text, 30GB of high-speed data, AT&T network only
- $60/month - unlimited talk, text, and LTE data
Unless specified otherwise, all plans include unlimited talk, text, and data with the specified amount of data at high-speed before throttling to 2G data speeds. International calling and texting is included with each plan described as is mobile hotspot.
Red Pocket Mobile does not fully explain what their data prioritization policy is for the unlimited LTE data plan. Digging into their terms and conditions it is described as follows:
"Users on our Unlimited Plan may notice reduced data speeds when data usage exceeds an average of 1GB of usage per day during the current billing month for an extended period of time."
That policy is a bit different compared to other unlimited plans on the market. Other providers typically only slow data speeds temporarily if the subscriber has consumed a certain amount of data during a billing cycle and if and only if the network is congested.
The amount of data shown with most of the highlighted plans is promotional. The plans normally include less data than what is described. Red Pocket Mobile has not specified how long the promotional allotments will last for. You can see how the promotional plans compare to the regular allotments by checking out this article or by visiting the Red Pocket Mobile website.