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PIX Wireless Adds America’s Largest GSM Network As An MVNO Partner, Continues To Offer A La Carte Pricing

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Pix Wireless Now On America's Largest GSM Network
Pix Wireless Now On America's Largest GSM Network


Pix Wireless, an MVNO that originally launched over a year ago as a Sprint MVNO is now offering service on America's largest GSM network.  America's largest GSM network continues to be AT&T although T-Mobile continues to work hard to catch up.

With the addition of a new network partner, PIX Wireless has also added a variety of new plans.  The company is offering a wide selection of plans including monthly, weekly and Pay as You Go options as well as an MVNO industry first, the ability to custom build your own plan with AT&T as the underlying network.

Monthly Plans

Pix Wireless is offering 6 monthly plans priced as follows:

  • $20/month for 1200 minutes, 1000 Texts, and 100 MB of 4G LTE data
  • $25/month for 1200 minutes, unlimited texts, 100 MB of 4G LTE data
  • $30/month for 1500 minutes, unlimited texts, and 150 MB of 4G LTE data
  • $35/month for unlimited talk and text with 500 MB of 4G LTE data
  • $40/month for unlimited talk, text and 1 GB of 4G LTE data
  • $50/month for unlimited talk and text with 2 GB of 4G LTE data

All prices included taxes and surcharges although Florida residents will be subjected to sales tax.

Weekly Plans

Pix Wireless is offering three weekly plans

  • $9/week for 100 minutes, unlimited texts but no data
  • $12/week for 200 minutes, unlimited texts and 50 MB of 4G data
  • $15 for unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 100 MB of 4G data

Taxes and surcharges are included in the listed prices although Florida residents will be subjected to sales tax.

Pay As You Go Plans

Pix Wireless is offering 5 pay as you go plans varying in length from 30 days to 365 days.  The plans are priced as follows:

  • $10/30 days.  250 Minutes @ 4¢/Minute OR 500 Texts @ 2¢ /Text OR 125 MB of Data @ 8¢/ MB 4G LTE
  • $20/60 days.  500 Minutes @ 4¢/Minute OR 1000 Texts @ 2¢ /Text OR 250 MB of Data @ 8¢/ MB 4G LTE
  • $30/90 days.  750 Minutes @ 4¢/Minute OR 1500 Texts @ 2¢ /Text OR 375 MB of Data @ 8¢/ MB 4G LTE
  • $50/180 days.  1,250 Minutes @ 4¢/Minute OR 2,500 Texts @ 2¢ /Text OR 625 MB of Data @ 8¢/ MB 4G LTE
  • $75/365 days.  1875 Minutes @ 4¢/Minute OR 3750 Texts @ 2¢ /Text OR 938 MB of Data @ 8¢/ MB 4G LTE.

All plans include taxes and fees although Florida residents will be subjected to sales tax.

Custom Build Your Own Plan Options

Talk50 Mins $2.00100 Mins $4200 Mins $7300 Mins $9400 Mins $11500 Mins $14
Text50 Texts $1.00100 Texts $2200 Texts $3300 Texts $4400 Texts $5500 Texts $6.00
Data50 MB $3.00100 MB $5200 MB $9300 MB $13400 MB $17500 MB $20
MMS25 MMS $2.0050 MMS $3.0075 MMS $4100 MMS $5125 MMS $6150 MMS $7


All plans include taxes and fees although Florida residents will be subjected to sales tax.  A $2.99 device access charge is also billed on top of your custom built plan.  Plans last for 30 days.


With its weekly plans, it appears that Pix Wireless has done a good job of separating itself from other AT&T MVNOs on the market.  There really aren't other ATT MVNOs out there offering the same features at the same price points.  However, if you happen to need service for 8 days or more you may find many other options available to you with similar service features for just a few dollars more per month.  EasyGO for instance offers a monthly plan that includes unlimited talk, text and 100 MB of data for $20/month which is nearly identical feature wise to Pix Wireless $15 weekly plan except that EasyGO's plan also includes international talk and text.

Pix Wireless Pay Go Plans also appear favorably priced compared to other AT&T MVNO pay as you go plans on the market.

Where Pix Wireless's plans may come up short is with their a la carte pricing options.  Anything more than a limited use plan can quickly get expensive.  As an example, a plan with 50 texts and 50 minutes will run you $5.99/month which is something you can't really get elsewhere, however if you build your own plan using their highest allotments you end up with 500 minutes, 500 texts, 500 MB of data and 150 MMS for $49.99!  That last option as well as quite a few others will likely never be subscribed to by potential customers due to their high costs.  Hopefully Pix Wireless is able to improve their pricing structure moving forward to make their a la carte pricing option a more competitive offering.

Research for the analysis came in part from the wireless plans comparison database.

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