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Get Over 30 GB Of Free Bonus Data From MetroPCS And A Free Phone

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MetroPCS Free Phone For Everyone Offer
MetroPCS Offering Free Phones For Everyone


T-Mobile owned MetroPCS is offering bonus data to customers that sign up for its $50 plan.  Those that do will receive 8 GB of high speed data each month instead of the plans normal allotment of 5 GB.  This amounts to an additional 36 GB of free bonus data for the year.  Unfortunately, and as is often the case with MetroPCS, this is an in store offer only.

The plans $50 price includes taxes and regulatory fees.  Music Unlimited is also included, which means that you can stream music from over 40 providers including Apple Music, Pandora, Spotify, Amazon Music and more without having it count against your high speed data cap.

Family/group discounts are also available.  Each additional line of service costs just $30 with a maximum total of up to 4 additional lines per account.  With the group discounts, a couple would pay $80, while 3 lines would cost $110 and so forth.

Free Phone For Everyone Offer

Those that switch over to MetroPCS, or current customers that want to upgrade their phone or add a new line of service are eligible to receive one of the following phones free of charge:

  • Samsung Galaxy ON5
  • Samsung Galaxy Core Prime
  • LG Aristo
  • LG K7 White
  • LG 450
  • ZTE AVID Trio
  • ZTE Avid Plus
  • ZTE Cymbal
  • Alcatel Onetouch Fierce XL
  • Alcatel Firece 4
  • Alcatel TRU
  • Coolpad Catalyst

Additionally, if you are porting into MetroPCS the service provider will also offer you the LG K10, HTC Desire 530 or ZTE Max Pro for free.

The phones are free via a rebate with a 6-8 week processing time.  Upgrade fees may apply and sales taxes are not included with the rebate.  Like the bonus data offer, this one is also only available in store.

See also, a comparison of MetroPCS phone plans.

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Stephen Blakeney
Stephen Blakeney
8 years ago

Metro uses T Mobile. Having had Metro and TPO in the past, which also uses T Mobile, they both occasionally lose the signal in some buildings.