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Cricket’s First 5G TV Commercials Launched With 5G Phone Price Notably Absent From Mention

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Cricket Wireless Has New TV Commercials Advertising 5G Network Launch And A 5G Device Without A Price Tag
Cricket Wireless Has New TV Commercials Advertising 5G Network Launch And A 5G Device Without A Price Tag

Back on August 21st, Cricket Wireless officially launched 5G network access. Just days later, analysts at Wave7 Research spotted the first Cricket Wireless TV ads touting the new 5G network.

Cricket has two new TV ads out that are airing nationally. Both ads make mention and show a picture of the Samsung Galaxy S20+5G. Neither commercial lists a price for the device. But it isn't too hard to figure out why.

When Cricket launched it's 5G network nearly two weeks ago, the Samsung Galaxy S20+5G was the only 5G capable device available through the provider. And that's how it remains today. That phone costs a whopping $1199.99, a price that is not all that common in prepaid, particularly without having other device options available. Metro By-T-Mobile launched it's first 5G device back in December, the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 5G. That also came with a hefty price tag of $1299, but Metro at least took $300 off the price for switchers. Cricket did not launch its 5G device with any promotional offers. In contrast to Cricket and Metro, AT&T Prepaid at launch came out with a much more affordable 5G device, the Samsung Galaxy A51 5G for $499.99. It's also now available at Metro for the same price. I suspect the device will likely make its way to Cricket in the coming weeks.

Cricket's Two 5G TV Ads "Expanding" And "Tomato, Tomato"

Cricket Wireless launched its first 5G TV commercial titled "Expanding" on August 24th. The ad features a man sitting in his car gazing up at the sky with his friend, one of Cricket's mascots. The man asks the mascot "did you know that every second the universe expands by millions of miles in every direction?" The mascot responds by asking the man if he knows that Cricket has 5G. He asks if it's expanding too, with the mascot replying "nationwide." A picture of the Samsung Galaxy S20+5G then appears lacking a price tag. You can view the 15 second commercial below.

The other commercial which just began to air on TV nationwide first debuted on YouTube a few days ago. The ad is similar in theme to the one above. It depicts a man sitting outside at a table with Cricket's mascot. The man asks "did you know in the 1800's ketchup was medicine?" The mascot then responds in question asking "did you know that Cricket has nationwide 5G?" There's a little bit of talking back and forth, and then again the Samsung Galaxy S20+5G shows up again without a price tag. Watch it below.

Without a more affordable 5G device available, Cricket's initial 5G network launch appears to be more for show than actually selling 5G service. Jeff Moore, Principal of Wave7 Research seems to agree, "Cricket has hit the ground running on nationwide 5G with solid ad spending in the wake of AT&T's launch of nationwide 5G. That said, with one phone priced at $1,199.99, early sales are likely to be minimal, as our research indicates that 5G sales at Metro have also been minimal. I think Cricket's effort is less about 5G sales and more about building the brand."

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4 years ago

Cricket, which is now run by the same AT&T exec in charge of AT&T Prepaid, appears to be gradually – or maybe not so gradually – morphing into the latter. Price and product differences are diminishing and Cricket’s once-decent support seems to be coming from the same offshore agents that “support” AT&T Prepaid. Probably not great news for Cricket or former AIO Wireless customers who might consider dealing with AT&T the equivalent of a wireless colonoscopy.