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Consumer Cellular’s Holiday Promo Is A $25 Account Credit, Supported By New TV Ad

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Consumer Cellular $25 Account Credit Holiday 2020 Promo Offer
Consumer Cellular $25 Account Credit Holiday 2020 Promo Offer

Consumer Cellular is running a new promotion for the holidays. Every new line of service, including current customers adding a line, will get a $25 account credit. As detailed in the latest Wave7 Research report, Consumer Cellular has also started a new TV advertising campaign to highlight the offer.

$25 Holiday Savings Credit Offer Details And Fine Print

Consumer Cellular has always been good about keeping the fine print to its offers short, simple, and sweet. This promo is no different. Current customers need to simply add a line or multiple lines to their accounts and they'll receive a $25 account credit for each line added. It is a similar offer as to what was available last year for the holidays.

New customers need to simply signup for Consumer Cellular, no port-in required, and they'll get the account credit. The offer also extends to Consumer Cellular's wireless home phone base. The wireless home phone base is a device that allows subscribers to convert their landlines into a new line on their cellphone plan. Customers can port their landline numbers to Consumer Cellular, hook their landline handset up to the home phone base, and have home phone service. It costs $15/month for the service. The wireless home phone base device is regularly priced at $50 but is currently on sale for $25. Customers adding a line to their accounts through the wireless home phone base will also receive a $25 account credit.

The $25 holiday savings credit and wireless home phone base sale will be available until 12/31/2020. The account credits will be applied to the customer's account on their first invoice following activation for lines that remain in service at the end of the billing period.

Available Plan Options

If you are interested in the above offer, you can choose from one of the following Consumer Cellular phone plan options:

Plans With Unlimited Talk & Text

  • $25/month - 500MB shared data
  • $30/month - 3GB shared data
  • $40/month - 10GB shared data
  • $50/month - 15GB shared data
  • $60/month - unlimited* shared data

Plans With 250 Minutes & Unlimited Texting

  • $20/month - 500MB shared data
  • $30/month - 3GB shared data
  • $35/month - 10GB shared data
  • $45/month - 15GB shared data
  • $55/month - unlimited* shared data

Talk Only Plans

  • $15/month - 250 minutes
  • $20/month - unlimited minutes

Additional lines can be added to any plan at a cost of $15 per line. Data is shared between lines. Taxes and fees cost extra.

Get This Offer

Consumer Cellular's "Now’s the Time: Holiday $25 Off” TV Commercial

Consumer Cellular has launched a new TV ad highlighting its $25 account credit holiday offer. The ad pitches: "for all of us who weren't born yesterday, there's Consumer Cellular where you can get premium wireless for less, like talk, text, and data for only $20/month." The ad also goes onto highlight that the company offers a 100% US-based customer service team and tells viewers to "switch today and get a $25 account credit." Watch it below.

The Consumer Cellular brand is carried in stores at Target. Wave7 Research's latest report noted that the company has recently lost display space at some Target locations. The loss of display space coincides with efforts this past spring to reduce the number of MarketSource-employed "black shirts" to be available at less than half of Target stores. MarketSource is a third party that works inside the retail chain. The loss of those third party employees means that getting activations and customer service in stores is now more difficult and less common. Last month a Chicago-based investment firm agreed to acquire a majority stake in Consumer Cellular for $2.3 billion.

Jeff Moore, Principal of Wave7 Research, commented on those changes:

"Consumer Cellular gained more visibility at Target amid the exits of Sprint and Verizon from Target's electronics department, but checks in recent weeks indicate a fall in visibility. A majority of Targets no longer have dedicated mobile experts -- the MarketSource "black shirts" -- and the level of sales and service for mobile customers at Target is lower than it was before the pandemic."

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