Boost Mobile has announced its launch offers for the iPhone Xs and Xs Max. For a limited time, each phone will be available for $100 off its regular price. The iPhone Xs will sell for $899.99 and the iPhone Xs Max for $999.99. The discounts are tentatively scheduled to last until 10/9/18. Boost Mobile is also running a few sales on other devices including older model iPhones and Androids.
Discounted iPhones
The iPhone 6 is now available pre-owned, online only for $99.99. It's regularly priced at $299.99. The iPhone 6s Plus is available online only, pre-owned starting at $249.99. That's $130 off its regular price. The 32GB iPhone 7 is available certified pre-owned for $399.99, $50 off its regular price. All offers are scheduled to be available until 10/9/18.
The iPhone 6 is still available for $29.99 to those who switch to Boost and port-in.
Discounted Android Phones
All new Android phones are available for 20% off with the promo code FALL2018 through 9/24/18. The 20% off deal is for online orders only.
Save $100 On A Pre-Owned Samsung Galaxy 8+
The Samsung Galaxy S8+ is now available used for $349.99, instead of its regular price of $449.99.
Save $50 On A New Samsung J7 Refine
The Samsung Galaxy J7 Refine is now on sale for $179.99 instead of its regular price of $229.99. This offer can be stacked with the promo code FALL2018, so you can save an additional $36 on your order, dropping the price down to $143.99. If you port-in to Boost Mobile by 10/1/18 and subscribe to a $50, $60, or $80 Boost Mobile unlimited plan the device is available for free. The phone is available for free in-stores only.
Save $100 On A Pre-Owned Samsung Galaxy S6
A pre-owned Samsung Galaxy S6 can now be had for $99.99. Its regular retail price is $199.99.
The Samsung Galaxy S8+, J7 Refine , and Galaxy S6 sale prices are scheduled to last until 10/9/18.
Other Offers
Boost Mobile has extended some of its other long running promos including its 4 lines of unlimited gigs for $100 offer and 3 lines for $100 with 20GB of hotspot data. It's also extended the availability of its $80/month unlimited plan with 40GB of 4G LTE hotspot data. New customers can also continue to get one month of free service when they port-in and bring a Boost Mobile compatible phone to the network.
Are these discounted iPhones locked or unlocked? Thanks.