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Articles by Joe Paonessa

Joe Paonessa

Joe Paonessa
Joe Paonessa is the founder of He started BestMVNO in 2013, because like many of you, he was unhappy with the high price he was paying his wireless provider for cell phone service. After researching how to cut costs on his phone bill, he came across the terms MVNO and prepaid wireless, and learned there was a way he could keep using his favorite network without having to pay a premium price for it.

Through, Joe shares his research and experiences with MVNOs and prepaid wireless providers, helping others learn how to save money on their phone bills. Joe's current providers are Total Wireless and MobileX. When he's not working on BestMVNO, you may find Joe playing pickleball or going out for a run. For inquiries use the contact button.

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Visible by Verizon Two Years For New Year's 2024 Deal

By Joe Paonessa • 01/01/24

Visible by Verizon has launched a Two-Years for New Year’s deal. The deal will get you $10/month off Visible’s flagship unlimited plan lowering the price to $35/month or $5/mo...

US Mobile Launches Annual Discount Plans

By Joe Paonessa • 12/18/23

US Mobile has updated its wireless plans for the third time since August 2023 or for the fourth time if you want to include the release of US Mobile’s Home Phone plan in Octob...

Boost Mobile Storefront

By Joe Paonessa • 12/14/23

It’s the end of the year holiday season, and Boost Mobile is giving back to its customers. A reader shared a screenshot with BestMVNO of an email sent from Boost Mobile. The e...

Boost Mobile Launch Refer A Friend Program

By Joe Paonessa • 12/14/23

Boost Mobile is readying the launch of a new customer referral program. But to my eyes, it seems like a rather weak and half-hearted effort. Subscribers that refer a friend to...

Mint Mobile Offering Free Side Of Bacon With Buy 3 Months Get 3 Free Deal

By Joe Paonessa • 12/14/23

Mint Mobile has launched perhaps its last two TV commercials of the holiday shopping season to promote its offer of buy 3 months get 3 months free. The offer, which launched i...

Tello Mobile Lowers Prices Adds 35GB Flagship Unlimited Plan

By Joe Paonessa • 12/04/23

Tello Mobile updated its wireless plans today. Virtually all unlimited talk and text plans now come with lower pricing and significantly more high-speed data. Tello Mobile’s f...

Boost Infinite Boost Wireless 5G Network Expanded Coverage

By Joe Paonessa • 12/01/23

DISH has announced that it has expanded coverage of the Boost Wireless Network to 12 additional markets. The latest markets to have gained access to the Boost 5G Network with...

US Mobile Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2023 $20.83/Month Unlimited Starter Plan Offer

By Joe Paonessa • 11/24/23

US Mobile’s Black Friday offer has launched as a teaser to its Cyber Monday deal. Customers can get US Mobile’s Unlimited Starter plan for $20.83/month when they prepay for a...

Boost Mobile 4 Unlimited Lines For $100 Holiday 2023 Offer

By Joe Paonessa • 11/23/23

Boost Mobile has launched several new store exclusive offers for the holiday shopping season. One offer is for 4 unlimited lines for $100, but it comes with several catches. P...

Visible Launches New Visible Payback Free Device Offer Program

By Joe Paonessa • 11/23/23

Visible by Verizon quietly removed its device swap program, in favor of a new offer called “Visible Payback.” The device swap program gave customers a free Visible compatible...

Boost Mobile Online Black Friday Deals Moto G Stylus 2023

By Joe Paonessa • 11/22/23

If Boost Mobile’s Black Friday 2023 online phone deals are now all out, they mostly seem like continuation offers. They are all offers that have either been running, ran not t...

Total by Verizon $99.99 Google Pixel 6a Black Friday 2023 Deal

By Joe Paonessa • 11/22/23

Straight Talk and Total by Verizon have their limited time holiday deals out. The offers are highlighted by a $49 iPhone SE from Straight Talk, and a $99.99 Google Pixel 6a an...

Tracfone Google Pixel 6a Black Friday HSN Holiday Phone Plan Bundle Deal

By Joe Paonessa • 11/22/23

Tracfone, via the Home Shopping Network, has a good deal on a bundle for the holiday shopping season. Customers can now pick up a brand new Google Pixel 6a bundled with an ann...

Red Pocket Mobile Black Friday 2023 Deals

By Joe Paonessa • 11/22/23

Red Pocket launched some of its Black Friday 2023 and holiday shopping deals a few days ago. The MVNO has discounted its annual and monthly plans. Every monthly plan the compa...

Boom Mobile Black Friday 2023 Deal

By Joe Paonessa • 11/21/23

Boom Mobile has launched its Black Friday offer. It’s a new customer offer on a 3-month plan. The plan comes with unlimited talk, text, and data with the first 10GB of data ev...