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Ultra Mobile Updates Plans, Adds Unlimited 4G LTE Data For $49/Month

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Ultra Mobile Introduces Unlimited 4G LTE Data Plan
Ultra Mobile Introduces Unlimited 4G LTE Data Plan


A few days ago Ultra Mobile unveiled a new phone plan lineup on its website.  The new lineup features an unlimited 4G LTE data plan that also includes unlimited talk, text, global text, and international calling to over 60 destinations for $49/month.

Like all other unlimited 4G LTE data plans on T-Mobile's network, it is presumed that speeds may be temporarily slowed down during times of heavy network traffic once 32 GB of high speed data is consumed in a month.   Ultra Mobile does not explicitly state this on their website, but it is a practice employed by all other T-Mobile MVNO's that offer unlimited 4G LTE data.

In addition to the new unlimited LTE data plan, Ultra Mobile has removed several plans from its lineup and updated several other ones as follows:

  • $19/month (unchanged) -  100 MB 4G LTE data, unlimited calling to 60 destinations, unlimited text and global text, $1.25 call anywhere credit, $5.00  international rollover roaming credit
  • $23/month (new plan) - 500 MB of 4G LTE data with 500 MB of 3G data and unlimited 2G data.  Unlimited calling to 60 destinations, unlimited text and global text, $1.25 call anywhere credit, $5.00  international rollover roaming credit  .
  • $29/month -  2 GB 4G LTE data (previously 1 GB) + 2 GB 3G data (previously 1 GB), unlimited 2G data, unlimited calling to 60 destinations, unlimited text and global text, $1.25 call anywhere credit (previously $2.50), $5.00  international rollover roaming credit (previously $10) .
  • $39/month (new plan) - 3 GB of 4G LTE data, 3GB of 3G data, unlimited 2G data, unlimited calling to 60 destinations, unlimited text and global text, $1.25 call anywhere credit, $5.00  international rollover roaming credit (previously $15).

The $5 international roaming credit included with all plans is a one time account credit.

Ultra Mobile's updated phone plans are largely an improvement over its previous offerings.   The new unlimited LTE data plan is sandwiched in between the two older plans that it replaces, a $45 plan that included 5 GB of 4G LTE data and a $54 plan that included 10 GB of 4G LTE data.

The updated $29 plan is essentially a replacement for the previously offered $34 plan which also included 2 GB of 4G LTE data and 2 GB of 3G data.

A $24 plan with 500 MB of hard capped data was replaced by the new $23 plan.

Pay 3 Months In Advance Advantages

In addition to the plan changes, Ultra Mobile is also offering extra data and more to those who are willing to pay for service 3 months in advance.

The $19 plan gets unlimited 2G data added to it once the 100 MB of high speed data that it includes gets used up.

The $29 plan gets double the data which means subscribers get 4 GB of 4G LTE data and 4 GB of 3G data instead of 2 GB of  4G LTE and 2 GB of 3G.

The $39 plan also gets double the data, so subscribers will get 6 GB of 4G LTE data and 6 GB of 3G data.

Those who pay for service on the $49 unlimited LTE data plan 3 months in advance, will get their 4th month free of charge.  This works out to an average cost of $36.75/month making it the cheapest unlimited LTE data plan on the market.

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