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Ting Offering New Customers 20GB Of Data For $20/Month

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Ting Offering New Customers 20GB Of Data For $20/Month
Ting Offering New Customers 20GB Of Data For $20/Month

Last month Boom Mobile discontinued service on the Sprint network.  Boom Mobile worked out a deal with Ting to transfer all of Boom Mobile's customers over to Ting.  Those customers who decided to stick with Ting after the transfer got a great deal.  Subscribers were offered an unlimited talk, text, and data plan for just $20/month.  A support representative I spoke to at the time said Ting considered 50GB of data to be fair use for unlimited.

This plan offering from Ting was out of the ordinary.  Ting historically hadn't sold unlimited plans, and in fact, Ting doesn't sell traditional phone plans at all.  Ting subscribers get billed on a pay per use model.  Talk, text, and data service allotments are sold in tiers. Use 100MB of data or less one month and Ting will bill you $3 for your usage.  If a subscriber consumes 101MB - 500MB of data the next month Ting will bill that subscriber $10 for their data usage.

At the time of the offering, the plan was reported to be a pilot plan from Ting.  Ting does like to occasionally test ideas out on the market. Now it looks like the MVNO may be testing out another pilot plan.  New subscribers who signup for service with Ting using the Sprint network are being offered unlimited talk, and text, with 20GB of data for just $20/month.

Offer Fine Print And Details

This offer is for new subscribers only.  Customers who want the plan must signup by July 31st, 2019 to get it (update 7/24/19 - the promo end date has been extended until 8/31/19).  However, Ting reserves the right to limit the offer at any time.  Customers will be required to pay applicable taxes, regulatory fees and government mandated surcharges.

Subscribers on the plan will have their plan and rate locked in until December 31, 2019.  Starting on January 1, 2020, the $20 plan with 20GB of data will be discontinued and customers will automatically be switched over to Ting's standard pay per usage rate plan model.

Get 20GB For $20 At Ting

Editor's Take

This is a really great offer from Ting.  It might be the best value and cheapest rate plan on the market right now that doesn't require the purchase of a multi-month or annual plan.  The only other offer that may beat it in value is Sprint's Unlimited Kickstart plan which gives subscribers unlimited LTE data for $25/month.

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Jim Mast
Jim Mast
5 years ago

I believe the Ting plan includes hotspot, I don’t believe the Sprint kick start does…..