Straight from the horses mouth today, T-Mobile CEO John Legere simultaneously poked fun at "AT&T's best ever pricing for families" campaign while blowing it out of the water by announcing a new T-Mobile promotion.
Starting July 30th through September, T-Mobile is offering a family plan that includes unlimited talk and text and 10 GB of data for the low price of $100. No matter where you look, this is a difficult family plan to beat price-wise. Competitors Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon offer similar featured plans but at a price of $160. Of course, T-Mobile doesn't stop with just talk, text and data, the cell phone service provider is throwing in some extras that the other carriers don't all offer such as tethering, unlimited text and data in 120+ countries, and no overages. So at this point with all these goodies you have to be asking what's the catch? Well, there are a few small notes in the fine print, such as the 10 GB of data is actually not truly shared, each person on the plan is limited to 2.5 GB. Furthermore, this promotion expires on 1/2/2016 at which time data per line will drop to 1 GB. The great thing here though is you are not locked into any contract, so if you are unhappy with the service, or want to leave when the promotion ends you may. T-Mobile is the current service that I use as detailed in a previous post where I called a $30 T-Mobile prepaid plan the best option for any T-Mobile based MVNO or prepaid plan.