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Sprint Ends Policy of Throttling Heavy Data Users

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Sprint Stops Throttling Heavy Data Users


In order to avoid net neutrality complaints Sprint will no longer throttle its heaviest data users.  Although Sprint believes the policy of throttling should be in compliance with the FCC's net neutrality rules, the carrier would rather avoid any potential litigation at this point. I'm sure seeing the potential $100 million fine that AT&T is facing has more than a little bit to do with this change in policy.

Sprint's idea of throttling was much the same as T-Mobiles except it was deprioritizing the top 5% of its heavy data users whereas T-Mobile slows down the top 3% of its heaviest users during times of network congestion.  It will be interesting to see how T-Mobile handles things now and if they will put an end to their own data prioritization polices.

Even though Sprint will no longer throttle its heaviest users, the carrier will still implement some sort of limitation on video download speeds.  Currently the company has a policy of limiting video download speeds to 600 kbps, although they are said to be loosening this up a bit.  I'm not exactly sure how throttling unlimited data users and video download speeds are really any different from each other, so I wonder how this will play out.


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