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RingPlus Announces Name Your Own Price Promotion

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UPDATED: This promotion will be available for upgrades and new registrations on the following additional 2 dates:
10/30/2015 12PM - 9PM PDT
10/31/2015 12PM - 9PM PDT

RingPlus has announced a new promotion that should pique the interest of many looking for a great deal on a new cell phone plan.  The promotion starts Thursday, October 29 at 12 PM PDT and lasts until 5 PM PDT and it is entitled "(Your Plan) Name Your Own Price and Create Your Plan."  As the title implies, potential RingPlus subscribers and current subscribers will have the ability to tell RingPlus how many minutes, sms texts, MB of LTE data and MMS picture messages they'd like to have and how much they want to pay for them.  Once you submit your offer you should know within 24 hours if it was accepted or not.  If so you should have your new plan activated at that time or as soon as possible thereafter as RingPlus plans to spend some time going through everyone's proposals.


In order to have the opportunity to name your own price, you must first sign up for a promotional free plan that RingPlus is offering during the previously mentioned time slot.  The Free Plan will include 1500 voice, 1500 SMS, and 500 MB of 4G LTE data.  At the time of signup, you will be presented the option to name your own price for the features you want.  What's particularly interesting for this Priceline type pricing strategy, is that RingPlus is allowing you to choose the amount of MMS picture messages that you'd like to have included in your plan.  RingPlus's regular plans do not normally include MMS, they cost extra at 4¢ per message, so this might be something for some of you to try and take advantage of if you send or receive a lot of picture messages.

The other prerequisite for the name your own price promotional plan and thus the free plan is that a $15 (plus taxes) account top up will be required at signup.  Anytime thereafter your account balance reaches $0 due to paying for overages, MMS, device swaps etc, another account top up of $15 will be charged to your account.

FAQ's and More Plan Specifics

RingPlus CEO Karl Seelig announced the new promotion and answered some FAQ's in the RingPlus Discourse:

(Your Plan) Name Your Own Price and Create Your Plan. Opening Thursday, October 29, 12pm PDT – 5pm PDT.

Get (Unlimited In-Network Calling, 1500 nationwide anywhere minutes, 1500 nationwide anywhere text, and 500 MB LTE Data) / month for FREE.

If this free monthly allotment is not enough for your needs, we may be able to help. Here’s how it works:

1) At sign-up you will be asked your expected needs in each of the following categories:
a. Minutes per month
b. Texts per month
c. MB LTE Data per month
d. Multi-Media Messages (MMS) per month.

2) You’ll also be asked how much you would like to co-pay for the plan you’ve created.

3) While your proposed plan is evaluated, you will be placed on a plan of (Unlimited In-Network Calling, 1500 nationwide anywhere minutes, 1500 nationwide anywhere text, and 500MB LTE Data) / month for FREE. If your proposal is feasible, then switching to (Your Plan) will occur automatically starting within 24 hours after sign-up.

If unfortunately your proposal is not yet possible, you will stay on the Plan of (Unlimited In-Network Calling, 1500 nationwide anywhere minutes, 1500 nationwide anywhere text, and 500MB LTE Data) / month for FREE.

4) If we can’t place you on (Your Plan) within the first 24 hours (and since our goal is to provide full free phone service to everyone), we will constantly go through this list and automatically place you on the plan you created as soon as it becomes feasible.

5) We also will automatically reduce your offered co-payment over time, as more and more free allotments become available.

It is our belief that cooperation like this in telecom is of benefit all of us. We really want you to get the deal you create, so please enter realistic expectations to get your deal immediately or in a timely manner. We believe that a program like this helps all of us. RingPlus will achieve the target subscription numbers to attract more sponsors, and we as a community will reach our final goal of completely free cell service for everyone. And in the meantime, we can offer you the most economical cell phone plan possible anywhere.

For credit card processing reasons, a minimum top up of $15 is required. The top up balance is available for you to use for the following situations:

1) If you are on the base Free Plan (1500/1500/500) and you go over your free allotment, the overages are charged at 2 cents per minute, text, or MB LTE

2) If you are on Your Plan, the top up balance will be applied to the monthly co-payment as overages (2 cents per minute, text, or MB LTE)

3) Then of course any other charges, like porting numbers, swapping devices, etc. as outlined in RingPlus prices.

This plan will be open to all new and current Members. To make this offer available to all Members, we also will upgrade the majority of the waiting list for the Future Plans tomorrow. Everyone on a Future Plan will have the opportunity to propose a Your Plan if they choose.

This plan will be available at starting Thursday, October 29, at 12pm PDT until 5pm PDT. If you don’t see it on the website right now, don’t worry, it will appear right before opening.

This Plan Includes:

100% free 1500/1500/500 voice, text, MB data LTE per month!
No contract
Real cell service, not VoIP
Free voicemail to email
Emergency number setup and social network integration
Free parental control features (block data, texts, and picture mail, blacklist or whitelist calls, and block all calls and texts by time
Over 25 RingPlus+ Radio stations included. Choose from Billboard Top 100 to Classical, or stay up-to-date with World and Financial News
WiFi calling via Sip client available
You can Bring Your own Sprint Device (BYOSD) Check ESN here: device_validation_requests

Foreseeable questions:

Question: So if I propose an allotment and it is accepted, how can I be sure that a lower proposal from someone else for the same allotment was not accepted too, and I have overpaid?

Answer: You will pay more than the other Member, but only for the first month. Then our system will automatically adapt your co-pay to the lowest price possible.

Question: If I propose the highest possible allotment (minutes/text/LTE Data/MMS) and bid zero dollars, do I always get auto-upgraded to the best free plan available all the time?

Answer: No, if your proposed allotment is higher that a currently available Free Plan, the system will disregard your proposal until Free Plans reach your proposed allotment.

But the proposed co-payment that was not initially accepted, may become feasible, and then you be automatically switched to Your Plan and you’re good to go.

Question: I am currently on a Future Plan ex. 1000/1000/1000. This new Your Plan is a gamble for me.

Answer: The Future Plans are a part of third-party research. With a new Your Plan, you will switch checkbooks from third-party research to RingPlus. It may be a short-term financial loss, but the long term benefits may by far outweigh the benefits of the Future Plans. (Please don’t interpret this as that RingPlus has any indication that the Future Plans won’t be available in the future).

Question: Can I activate a non-Sprint cell phone?

Answer: Not for this promotion, but next week we will run a promotion which includes an limited selection of AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon devices which will be able to be activated on a similar plan.

Question: I am currently on a paid plan, for example the Cherry Plan (unlimited voice, unlimited text, 2GB LTE Data) for $19.99. If make a proposal to switch to Your Plan, and offer exactly $19.99 for the same allotment as Cherry Plan (exactly the deal I have now), will I automatically save money when this allotment becomes available for a lower price?

Answer: Yes, but for processing reasons you may be stuck for 24-48 hours on the basic Free Plan of (Unlimited In-Network Calling, 1500 nationwide anywhere minutes, 1500 nationwide anywhere text, and 500MB LTE Data) / month for FREE

Available only a long as supplies last. RingPlus’ terms & condition apply.

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