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Red Pocket Mobile Plans Have Been Updated, Get 8GB Of Data For $30

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Red Pocket Mobile Updates Two Plans With More Data
Red Pocket Mobile Updates Two Plans With More Data


Red Pocket Mobile has updated a couple of its wireless plans to have more data. The multi-carrier MVNO partner has updated its $30 plan to include 8GB of high-speed data on all networks. The $40 plan now has 20GB of high-speed data on the AT&T and Sprint networks only. The plan updates were first detailed in a report sent out by Wave7 Research to its subscribers.

Red Pocket Mobile Plan Changes & Highlights

Red Pocket Mobile operates on the AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, and Sprint networks. However, not all plans are available on all networks. The $30 plan that just got updated is only available for use on the AT&T, Sprint and Verizon networks. The $40 plan, however, is available on all networks although data allotments vary by network. The $40 plan only includes 10GB of data if used on the Verizon or T-Mobile network.

Regardless of network, both plans include unlimited talk, text, and data with the specified amount of data at high-speed before throttling to 2G data speeds. Unlimited international calling to over 70 countries is also included. Plans on the AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint networks include free international texting. On Verizon Network plans, international texting costs $0.20 per text.

The $30 plan previously included 7GB of data on the AT&T and Sprint networks. For a brief time, only 3GB of data was included if used on T-Mobile or Verizon. Prior to updating all plans to 8GB, Red Pocket stopped offering service on the T-Mobile network with that plan and upped the Verizon allotment to 7GB. The $40 plan previously included 15GB of data on AT&T and Sprint.

All plans support visual voicemail, hotspot, VoLTE, and WiFi calling and texting. The availability of each feature varies based on the network and device being used. Visual Voicemail is available on all networks but T-Mobile. VoLTE is available with all networks. WiFi calling and texting are available on all networks but Verizon. Hotspot is available on all networks, but Red Pocket may be charging extra if you use it. Their FAQs page about the feature, now states: "Please Note: Additional charges may apply Tethering and Hotspot services."

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