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H2O Wireless Offering 50% Off One Month Of Service

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H2O Wireless 50 percent off first month
H2O Wireless 50% Off First Month


H2O Wireless is currently running a promotion on their Monthly Unlimited Plans.  Through December 31st 2016, new customers can get 50% off their first month of service by using the promotional code 50off during checkout.

Discounted Monthly Unlimited Plans

H2O Wireless's Monthly Unlimited Plans all include unlimited talk, text, and international talk and text to over 50 countries.  All but one of their plans include unlimited but throttled data to 2G speeds.  Pricing for each plan varies based on the amount of data that's included.  A summary of each monthly plan with the amount of data offered is below:

  1. $30 Sale Price $15 - 500 MB high speed data hard capped
  2. $35 Sale Price $17.50 500 MB high speed data
  3. $40 Sale Price $20 - 3 GB high speed data
  4. $50 Sale Price $25 - 4 GB high speed data
  5. $60 Sale Price $30 - 4.5 GB high speed data (plan exclusive, includes calls to Pakistan landline and mobile)

After the first month of service the plans will revert back to their regular pricing.  H2O Wireless does offer a 10% price discount off of the regular price if you are willing to enable autopay in your account.

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