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Google’s Project Fi To Offer Data Only Plans

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Google MVNO Project Fi


Google today announced that they will be providing Project Fi with support for data-only devices.  With the update, Project Fi users will be able to obtain a cellular connection with their tablet and other connected devices while on the go with a data only SIM.

The cost of this data only service will be identical to data costs for mobile phone users on Fi, $10/GB.  Just like with Fi mobile phone users, any unused data will be refunded at the end of your billing period which equates to $1 refunded per 100MB.

Current Project Fi customers can order their data-only SIM from their "Account" page on the Project Fi website.  The SIMs will become available to current subscribers on a rolling basis, so if you don't see this as an option in your account today, keep checking for it over the next several days.  Those who aren't yet a Project Fi customer can visit to request an invite for the service.

Now there will be some limitations with the data only SIMs.  Accounts will be limited to a maximum of 9 data only SIMs, and tethering is prohibited.  On the plus side, the SIMs will provide coverage in 120+ countries.

Google says that in order to get service, you will need to have an unlocked device that is compatible with T-Mobile's network.  Users are welcome to order a SIM to test out the service with their device, but thus far service has only been verified to work with the following devices:

  • Nexus 7 - K009 (US LTE)
  • Nexus 9 - 0P82300 (US LTE)
  • iPad Air 2 - Model A1567
  • iPad mini 4 - Model A1550
  • Galaxy Tab S - Model SM-T807V
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