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Google’s Project Fi Gets A Third Network Partner In US Cellular

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Google's Project Fi Gets 3rd Network Partner in US Cellular


Google has announced that it has added a third Project Fi network partner which should further improve coverage for subscribers of the MVNO.  The third network partner is US Cellular which is the nations 3rd largest CDMA wireless provider and 5th largest provider overall.  US Cellular provides coverage in 23 states.

Google's Project Fi works by constantly switching between wi-fi and cellular networks for phone calls and text messages to offer the best possible coverage.  Fi devices, which at the moment are limited to the Nexus line of phones, are able to seamlessly switch between wi-fi and cellular networks in real time.

US Cellular joins T-Mobile and Sprint as Project Fi's other network partners.

Pricing for Google's Project Fi starts at $20/month for unlimited talk, text, international text, and coverage in 120+ countries.  Data costs $10/GB and can be used in over 120 countries although the speed is limited to 256 kbps outside of the USA.  Any unused data you have in your account at the end of the month gets refunded at a rate of about 1¢ per MB.

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