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As regular readers of this site, many of you may have noticed that I haven't been able to write as many new articles as I would like to.  Well, there is good reason for that.

I've been continously working to improve the features of my cell phone plan comparison tool.

Due to the limits of a webpage, there is simply no way to list every single feature of every plan from a provider in an easy to view and understand table.  However, if you haven't checked in on the cell phone plan comparison tool in a few days, you haven't seen one of the new features added.  Now when you're trying to decide between a few plans that look virtually identical, you can click on the add to compare button to see a vertical side by side comparison of each plan you're interested in and every feature offered between them, fine print and all.  In the current "Best Of" tables, such as Best ATT MVNOs  all the fine print is buried below the tables, which doesn't make comparing plans as easy as it should. This brings me to my next plan.  Somewhere, and hopefully in the near future, the current "Best Of"  tables will be replaced by a table structure similar to what you see on the cell phone plan comparison tool page. Before this can happen, a few more kinks need to be worked out.

Also, a few weeks ago, I announced to my newsletter subscribers, that I would soon be offering a giveaway exclusive to them. I'm not ready to announce the giveaway just yet, but those of you who are not yet subscribers, may want to consider signing up. Of course, you can also wait until the announcement before you signup.  The BestMVNO newsletter as it stands now,  is different than other newsletters that I at least subscribe to. It only goes out once a week to what I hope is not found to be an annoyance by subscribers.  I personally don't like receiving daily or multiple times a day newsletters from other sites, and so thus far I have not done that with my newsletter.  However, this may be something I offer far down the road though as an opt in feature to a separate newsletter,  as I can see use for that in particular instances for a specific group of BestMVNO readers.

That's all for today.  Happy reading!

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8 years ago

I know we will all reap the rewards of your hard work on the site!