EBay periodically offers coupon codes. Today, 8/8/18 only, there is a new coupon code available. Shoppers can save 15% on nearly all items listed on eBay priced $25 or higher when they use code PRONTO15 at checkout. That means you can now get Red Pocket Mobile's eBay exclusive annual GSM plan for just $199.99 or about $16.67/month. It is regularly priced at $235/year or $19.58/month. The plan includes unlimited talk, text and data with the first 5GB at 4G LTE data speeds. It works using your choice of either AT&T's or Sprint's network. Red Pocket Mobile sells several other plans on eBay that are also on sale with the use of the code.
Popular Red Pocket Mobile eBay Plans Discounted Today Only
$60/year - for a limited time available for $51/year, includes 100 minutes, 100 texts and 500 MB of data every month. Works on all 4 major networks in the USA including, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon.
$249/year - available for $211.65 ($17.63/month) and includes unlimited talk, text and data with the first 2GB each month at 4G LTE data speeds. Works on AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon.
$99/year - on sale for $84.15 ($7.01/month) and includes 500 minutes, 500 texts and 500MB of data each month. Works on all 4 major networks in the USA.
$205/year - on sale for $174.25 ($14.52/month) and includes unlimited talk and unlimited text with 1GB of hard capped data each month. Works on all 4 major networks in the USA.
$399/year - on sale for $339.15 or ($28.26/month) and includes unlimited talk, text and data with the first 10GB each month at 4G LTE data speeds. Available on the AT&T and Sprint networks.
$499 Annual Unlimited Data Plan - on sale for $424.15 ($35.34/month) and includes unlimited talk, text and LTE data. Available on the AT&T and Sprint networks.
$69/90 days - on sale for $58.65 or $19.55/month and includes unlimited talk and text with 1GB of hard capped data each month. Works on all 4 networks in the USA.
$360/year - on sale for $306 or $25.5/month. Includes unlimited talk and text with 4GB of hard capped data each month. Works on all 4 major wireless networks in the USA.
$90/90 days - Top Pick! On sale for $76.5 or $25.5/month. Includes unlimited talk, text and data with the first 5GB at 4G LTE data speeds. Available on the AT&T network only.
$135/90 days - Top Pick! On sale for $114.75 or $38.25/month. Includes unlimited talk, text and data with the first 10GB at 4G LTE data speeds. Available on AT&T only.
$109/90 days - on sale for $92.65 or $30.88/month. Includes unlimited talk and text with 4GB of hard capped data. Available on all 4 networks in the USA.
$179/year - on sale for $152.15 or $12.68/month. Includes 1,000 minutes, unlimited texts and 1GB of hard capped data each month. Available on all 4 networks in the USA.
Keep in mind that if you subscribe to one of Red Pocket Mobile's plans that use the AT&T network with an Apple iPhone, you will not be able to get MMS working without a jailbreak. It is believed that Apple has chosen to block MMS from working without receiving some sort of compensation from many wireless provider networks on AT&T including this one.
This deal is scheduled to end tonight, 8/8/18 at 10PM PST.