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Cricket Wireless Has Launched Its 2023 Tax Season Deals

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Cricket Wireless 2023 Tax Season Deals Launched With In-Store Signage (Photos Via Wave7 Research)
Cricket Wireless 2023 Tax Season Deals Launched With In-Store Signage (Photos Via Wave7 Research)


Cricket Wireless soft-launched its tax season deals on 2/10/23 noted Wave7 Research in a report the firm just sent out to its subscribers. Headline offers include the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G and Moto G 5G both free online and in stores. The two Android phone deals are featured in stores with signage as are the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G ($129.99) and Moto G Stylus 5G ($89.99). The lead iPhone offers are for switchers and include a $49.99 iPhone 11 and a free iPhone SE. The iPhone 11 deal is a recycled tax-season offer from last year when it was available for $99.99.

At the time of this writing, Cricket isn't commercially advertising its tax season deals on TV. But BestMVNO believes new ads could begin airing soon. In the interim, Cricket has brought back an advertising TV campaign centered on the tagline "People who come to Cricket stay with Cricket." BestMVNO reported that the tagline was first used in TV ads last summer.

Cricket Wireless Tax Season 2023 Android Deals Fine Print

Below is a table of online free Android phone deals that Cricket Wireless is running for the 2023 tax season. The deals should overlap with what you find in stores although sometimes the store deals have slightly different requirements and may come with activation and other fees.

List of Cricket Wireless Online Free Android Tax Season Phone Deals
PhoneOriginal PriceUpgrade/New Line PricePort-In Pricing
Cricket Dream 5G$189.99$69.99Free60
Cricket Innovate 5G$159.99$99.99Free60
Cricket Icon 4$109.99$59.99Free60
Cricket Ovation 2$129.99$39.99Free55
Cricket Debut Smart$79.99$19.99Free
Cricket Vision Plus$99.99$29.99Free55
Moto G 5G 2022$199.99$99.99Free60
Moto G Power 2022$139.99$59.99Free60
Moto G Stylus 2022$189.99$89.99Free60
Moto G Pure$109.99$39.99Free60
Samsung Galaxy A14$189.99$129.99Free60
Samsung Galaxy A13$159.99$69.99Free60
Samsung Galaxy A03$119.99$39.99Free60
TCL 30 Z$89.99$29.99Free55
TCL ION Z$89.99$19.99Free

55=Requires porting to $55 plan or higher
60=Requires porting to $60 plan

A majority of the free Android phone deals require you to port your number in and signup for Cricket's most expensive unlimited wireless plan billed at $60/month. However, you can switch to another plan at any time. You can also do a little better than some of the deals above by purchasing a phone at Walmart. The Moto G Pure is also free at Walmart but only requires you to activate a new line on a $40 or higher plan. The Samsung Galaxy A03 is $9.88 at Walmart instead of free at Cricket, however, the Walmart offer only requires you to signup for the $40 plan so you may save a little money on your first month of service if you don't want unlimited.

“Tax season is underway for Cricket. The carrier now has more Android devices that are free for switchers, featuring the Galaxy A14 5G and the Moto G Stylus 5G. Also new is the offer of the iPhone 11 at $49.99 for switchers.” -Jeff Moore, Principal of Wave7 Research

Cricket's iPhone Tax Season Deals

Cricket's $49.99 iPhone 11 and free iPhone SE online deals come with the same fine print as they've had in the past. Customers buying a phone online who want either device will have to pay for their first three months of service upfront on Cricket's $60 plan. Both offers require a new line with port-in and a new account. Port-ins from AT&T are excluded. The price is the same for either device whether you purchase a 64GB or 128GB model. If you buy the phones in a Cricket store, you will not have to prepay for 3 months of service in advance. But you will have to port your number in and pay for your first month on the $60 plan, plus tax and an activation fee.

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