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Boost Mobile Announces Unlocking Policy

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        In accordance with CTIA regulatory policy,  Boost Mobile has announced its unlocking policy, and it is essentially the same as Virgin Mobile's unlocking policy which unfortunately for some could be rather limiting.

        First off, Boost Mobile says that it will provide you with an MSL code and or domestic sim unlock code (DSU) under the following circumstances:

Conditions for Unlocking

  1. The device has not been previously reported as lost or stolen and thus flagged as ineligible to be unlocked
  2. The device has been kept active on your account for at least 12 months and your account is still active at the time you request an unlock.
  3. If you meet the above two conditions, you can contact Boost Mobile's customer support at 1-888-266-7848 to request  your device to be unlocked.

Devices That Can be Unlocked

        The following devices are what Boost Mobile considers to be its most popular and do not necessarily represent all the devices that Boost will unlock for you.

Devices That Require MSL Code Unlock

  1. Apple iPhone 4S
  2. Apple iPhone 5
  3. Samsung Galaxy S 3
  4. Samsung Galaxy S 4
  5. Samsung Galaxy S 5
  6. Samsung Galaxy S 5 Sport
  7. Samsung Note 3
  8. Samsung Note 4
  9. Samsung Edge
  10. LG G3
  11. LG Flex
  12. HTC one

Devices That Require DSU

  1. Apple iPhone 5s
  2. Apple iPhone 5c
  3. Apple iPhone 6
  4. Apple iPhone 6 Plus
  5. Apple iPhone SE
  6. Apple iPhone 7
  7. Apple iPhone 7 Plus
  8. Apple iPhone 8
  9. Apple iPhone 8 Plus
  10. Apple iPhone X

        These DSU devices won't become unlock capable until 2/19/2015.  Of course if you have an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus it appears you'll be waiting a bit longer to get those unlocked because with those devices being on the market for less than a year you won't meet prerequisite number 2 in the list above for conditions for unlocking.

Fine Print

MSL Unlocking

        It's worth noting that even if you get your phone unlocked, you still may be unable to use it on other carriers according to Boost Mobile's faq page.  What's of particular importance to some is that for  "certain devices, not all functionality may be unlocked (e.g., for some smartphone devices, only the CDMA/voice functionality of the device may be able to be unlocked but not the GSM/UMTS/LTE portion of the device)."  This seems rather bogus, and if you are truly unlocking a device, the GSM/UMTS/LTE portion should also be unlocked.  I surmise though, a software update which you may or may not ever get may be needed to unlock that portion of the device.  Boost also warns that

"Boost Mobile devices which the owner has attempted to reprogram or activate on another carrier's network or otherwise altered from its initial programming or settings may not be able to be reactivated on the Sprint network."

        This seems like a rather generic warning, and likely means that if you want to reactivate on Boost/Sprint, you'd better know how to reprogram back to the phones default settings for the network.

DSU Unlocking

        For those of you with a DSU device, if you can get Boost to actually unlock it, you should be free to take the device to any other network, as long as the carrier/network you are going to will allow you to use that device with them.  Now I mention that if Boost will actually unlock it, because their fine print says:

[su_spacer size="15"]

" For domestic SIM unlock or DSU-capable devices launched after February 2015, the SIM locking has restrictions, and Boost Mobile's ability to unlock these devices or work with the manufacturer of the device to unlock the SIM slot vary."

[su_spacer size="15"]

        Here it seems like Boost Mobile is trying to leave itself an out so that it does not have to unlock your device.  Furthermore, I suppose the manufacturer could elect to block you from unlocking your device as well, to try and force you to upgrade to a new device from them.  However, I think that such a policy would also be a quick way for that manufacturer to lose a customer's brand loyalty.  So most likely here, Boost may claim they can't or won't unlock the device and blame it on the manufacturer as the reason, sending you into a calling circle between Boost and the manufacturer trying to get it unlocked.  Hopefully though, these scenarios are more hypothetical rather than actual, and Boost will allow all devices to be unlocked that meet their preconditions for unlocking.

Bring Your Own Unlocked Device Policy

        Unfortunately, Boost Mobile still wants to for some reason play hard ball here.  The company says that it will generally only activate devices that have been certified to work with its network and services and will not activate unlocked devices from other carriers or service providers even if those devices were manufactured for Sprint, Virgin Mobile or Assurance Wireless.  This also seems like a rather bogus policy, and if Sprint really wants to retain customers and maximize profit, it seems this policy should quickly be disposed of.

        So what do you think of these new unlocking policies?  Will you be trying to take advantage of them any time soon?

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4 years ago

Do not ever buy a Android phone from boost. You pay df or it and the still will not unlock it. They hold you hostage! It’s a way to prevent you from switching providers. I was with them for 10 years, broke the screen on my phone in April of 2020 paid 200 for a replacement phone. Started getting sucky service and wanted to leave. They refused to unlock my S8 phone. So because I requested my account number and stated i wanted to leave to a new carrier rhe y disconnected my service 10 days later even though I paid for my monthly service while waiting for them to unlock my phone. So I was left, no service, no phone, no number. I contacted the FCC and an waiting???? Sprint has a 40 day most other’s have 60 day. Boost began to have horrible service choose another

4 years ago

Mi molestia es, duré más de 10 en boost mobile, tenía un plan ilimitado todo, cuando me refiero ilimitado todo, eran llamadas, textos e internet, en agosto del 2020, adquirimos 2 teléfonos nuevos, uno cash y otro financiado, pague el mes de los 2 teléfonos, en 13 días, me llegó un mensaje, que me había excedido el límite de mi plan, al cual me quedé, de que hablas, el chiste es que hablé con una asesora de boost y resulta que la persona que nos vendió los teléfonos nos cambió el plan viejo ilimitado por el nuevo que están ofreciendo, me enoje mucho, a lo que voy para poder cambiar de compañía tuve que liquidar el teléfono financiado, el teléfono es mío, pero ahora está guardados en un cajón, porque no quieren desbloquear, quieren que este 12 meses con la compañía para desbloquear mis teléfonos, que estúpido no, comprar algo que no vas a usar, porque te cambiaron de plan sin avisarte, se van a quedar sin clients. Boost mobile es una ????????????????. Solo robaron mi dinero al comprar teléfonos que ya no voy a usar, por su mal servicio de telefonía

Junior Frederick
Junior Frederick
4 years ago

I know that this is an old post here but this problem isn’t going away. I bought the LG stylo 6 with boost as my carrier and couldn’t get any network survive on it. I couldn’t even make a simple call! I thought it was something to do with my phone so I factory reset it and the problem persists. For three months I had a newly released phone and couldn’t make a call on it. Only the wifi function worked. I decided to just buy a cheap phone to make due because I was recently away for training on my new job and communication was essential to keep up with my family when I was away. My boost service was cancelled due from non payment. I called for the code to unlock my phone. That’s when I’ve been told that I have to wait a year with an active boost service to get the code. Why would I pay for a year of service for a phone that I can’t even use? I’ve called numerous times to get the problem fixed to no avail! I thought this was a contract free device! I can understand if there was a contract, but there isn’t. This phone is paid in full, so I should have rights to it!!!

Peash Kar
Peash Kar
5 years ago

Actually I don’t know the unlock system in the phone. Your article is innovative. I get lots of information about announces unlocking policy. Thanks for sharing your idea.

5 years ago

I had my previous carrier for 8 years. The last 4 years I had the LG Stylo 2. Although I needed an upgrade 2 & 1/2 years into that phone I waited another yr & a 1/2 waiting the Stylo 4 that was coming out with the bigger screen. Was hoping it was coming to my carrier but of course only to boost & I think Cricket.
When I first called & went to boost it was the $50 unlimited plan $130 or so for the phone. Now I was w/Sprint before years ago and it was a horrifying experience! It was so bad I bought my contract out before heading to Verizon.
I cannot be any clearer after my first experience with Sprint and knowing that boost Mobile was on their Network I asked every question that could possibly be asked and keep in mind my phone was still on and active where I was.
Question 1: If I’m not happy after the first month can I go back to the provider I am with now?
Answer: Absolutely, you have no contract they said, both customer service and again when I purchased.
Question 2: I work from my phone, my business depends on quality data and I have no Wi-Fi is your unlimited plan unlimited high-speed, in other words does it throttle down after so many gigabytes.
Answer: Again both on the phone and at time of purchase. No, it’s unlimited & high speed!
Question 3: Hopefully I won’t have to but if I do have to switch after the first month and I buy this new phone will I be able to take it and use it on another Network, in other words will I be stuck with it.
If so then I do not want to purchase it in the first place I will go with another phone and stay where I am.
Answer: Phone is yours to do with what you will and if you need to switch you would be able to.
Now since I was happy with the carrier I was with I was very very skeptical of switching especially to a carrier I had nothing but problems with in the past
These questions were asked over and over and over again and every time with the same replies.
Right off the bat when I switched and bought the new phone it took them two days to get my number switched over and even get my phone service on. Thenwell that was finally on the first thing I did was have them switch me over to technical support to make sure my phone was on all of the correct settings and that I was not the issue since I am not very tech-savvy. same problems other people are complaining of, Frozen videos, forever to switch from one page to another, forever to pull up anything. So now here I am again on day 3 calling back already trying to figure out what’s going on with the phone assuming it’s not damn it’s me. couldn’t have been more polite to them and to be honest there customer service people seem to be very polite and professional. About the only thing I can say for this company. Not that they ever fixed anything that I had a problem with.long story short I was on the phone with them at least 7 to 10 times the first 10 to 12 days I had this phone. By this time I was over it and I want it out and they promised they would fix it with something new they tried and offered to pay my second month so although I didn’t want to I still dead. It was not worth a free month to stay there but I was hoping for the best. When it didn’t change and I told them I was going back 2 mi previous carrier and asked what I needed to do that’s when they hit me with the truth, that the phone would only work on their Network. I flipped out on them at that point but what could I dooh, didn’t have enough money at the time for another phone and had just paid almost $200. So towards the end of the first month when I got a text saying that my speed was going to slow down that I had reached so many gigabytes I was ready to go postal on this company. I called them and they assured me it wasn’t because it slowed down after so many gigabytes it’s that it had something to do with peak times, blah blah blah. To this day I am still so mad I can’t see straight and on top of everything else the data is terrible. I told them look I’m not calling you because I want this super high-speed internet, I just want functional internet. Bottom line is they flat-out lied and deceived me and there is no other way to put it and there should be no legal way that they can get away with this kind of crap two people. Over and over again even with customer service although they sounded so professional, would lie to me just to get me off the phone and tell me what I wanted to hear. I had a gentleman that worked at electronics in Walmart which I guess that means as much as a mechanic at Walmart, LOL. Anyway he told me last week that after 6 months there was something about boost Mobile that I could get my phone unlocked as long as I hadn’t had it off or deactivated within that time. Bottom line, I would not recommend Boost to my worst enemy as a practical joke and I love practical jokes, lol. That’s how ripped off I feel!

5 years ago

I hate boost Mobile they tricked me into their Network

5 years ago

boost mobile’s policies are a joke… they claim to be contract free but force you to remain active on their network for no less than a year before they even consider unlocking a device you paid full face value for. i was given no subsidies and no discounts were applied to my purchase, you dishonor me boost.

Larry Miller
Larry Miller
5 years ago

I purchased a Samsung J pert phone from Walmart was given a an out of state cell number and soon found out that boost had no towers purchased the phone for so I had to go with a different carrier . I contacted boost about the situation and was told to go to a boost store for a refund I did and was told by the store which was a franchise store and was they didn’t honor that policy no Boost owned store in my area so I contacted boost again to no avail I liked the phone and was told that I could unlock the phone only after a year of ownership its been a year and would like the 143.00 dollars plus tax refunded or the phone unlocked as per the law next stop is the courts and a very public voicing of a crap company if something isn’t done I just want the phone unlocked can anyone help. I forgot to mention the phone was purchased from a boost rep at Walmart. Beware what boost offers its probably a lie.

5 years ago

Please help. I had boost mobile for 2 months, after realizing that i couldn’t use the internet while talking on the phone which is a must due to work, I couldn’t even use maps while talking. Crazy. Anyway I switched back to my previous carrier which is now metro by t-mobile. I used the new phonei got when i switched and really wasn’t happy with it so i wanted to switch to the phone from Boost. The LG Stylo 3. I called boost to verify it was unlocked they said yes his with any carrier. When we tried to switch phones and set it up it won’t allow a network. Even updating the APN you can’t. Died anyone know how to update the apn in a Stylo 3 ? There is no add button no dots nothing.

Lanzoe A. Willey
Lanzoe A. Willey
5 years ago

I have a boost phone still active. I changed pin to lock phone. I forgot my pin how can I unlock it. Without resetting or losing my info.

6 years ago

The issue I have is they did not tell me at time of purchase that phone locked and I needed to be on a plan for 12 months. All they taunted was “No Contract and No Commiment” change carrier when ever I wanted. So if you have to be on their plan for 12 months is that not a commitment ? Also when I was at the new carrier I called Boost and asked to have my phone unlocked (this was the first I learned of it being locked) and was phone wasn’t locked. New carrier ported my number, Boost immediately cancelled my account (within minutes). I am now with a useless iPhone 6. I will never go back to Boost, or use their parent company Sprint and encourage all with an issue with either of these companies to file a complaint with the FCC and the BBB.

6 years ago

So if I want to change my boost mobile phone to a tracfone exactly how long do I have to wait?

6 years ago

I bought a freedompop phone online I would like to switch over to boost mobil been with them for years,it asks for a username and password to unlock witch I don’t know it’s cdma please tell me if I can do it or its hopeless.:(

Howard Webber
Howard Webber
6 years ago

I have had boost for over 6 years now. Recently switched to 60 dollar plan. Have at it now for almost 20 days and these clowns cant even figure out why im not getting 4 g speed. They tell me to do a reset. Idid 6 times now they did a complete reset on my tribute lg. And still i have a hard time downloading uploading and youtube. The kicker is the guy at the store told me. Its on boosts side for the problem. He said to call them. I have now over 12 times in less then a week. You would think that a company would want to make money not push customers away. I wrote a letter to the federal trade commision and govenors office. A few days ago. Waiting word to see of the want a video of how my phone runs. Downloading internet is slow as molasses. Very seriously thinking about going back to straight talk. My wife has it and her phone is quick and reliable. Tbese clowns are all pos who lie and steal your money. Something needs to be done with this company. Funny part is. I love a mile away from a cell tower.

Laura Ballman
Laura Ballman
6 years ago

should i have a basic vpn set or a lg vpn set on my lg xpower thru boost mobile

6 years ago


6 years ago

Hey my Samsung J3 Emerge locked when i was using the correct password after using a password for less than a day! Boost store rep told me to call Samsung WHERE I UNFORTUNATELY DID NOT REGISTER IT! HENCE, THEY COULD ONLY DO A RESET WHERE i WOULD NOT LOSE ALL DATA…I am sick that my contacts, pics and more are lost! I HAVE BEEN A BOOST CUSTOMER FOR AS MANY YEARS AS I CAN REMEMBER! GEEK SQUAD AT BEST BUY REMOVED THE LOCK AND ALL INFO WAS GONE! I AM PLANNING ON NOT LOCKING IT AND I DO USE IT FOR BANKING! UGH…

I just received the above note today…too late for me

7 years ago

I just stumbled across this thread and was curious if anyone is aware whether or not Boost Mobile still requires the “full 12 month contract period” before they will budge and release the codes to unlock one’s phone.
I have a Samsung Note 4 that I would really like to unlock ASAP.
I’ve had the phone with them for over 9 months I plan on physically visiting one of their locations to inquire about this as opposed to calling them.
Very informative article by the way. Thank you!

7 years ago

Hey jeff Can u answer me that question please

7 years ago

I have an iphone 6 frm boost can someone tell me if they unlock it there or do i have to go somewhere to unlock?

David r
David r
7 years ago

Can the walmart galaxy on-5 work on boost mobile?

7 years ago

Boost said only Samsung could unlock which I told him was a lie but wouldn’t budge. Wanted unlocked just for foreign travel which Sprint said they could do. They’re just a bunch of LIEING POS. Seems to me they are in violation of the law according to this article. Where can one report them?

8 years ago

Can you unlock my s5 from ntelos

8 years ago

CDMA is an acronym that’s short for Code Division Multiple Access and GSM stands for Global System for Mobiles.

Here we go running the risk of getting too technical
In the United States, the five major cell phone networks break down like this:
CDMA = Sprint, Verizon and U.S. Cellular
GSM = AT&T and T-Mobile

Turns out that different cell phone carriers are using different frequency bands.

Wireless Frequencies / Bands

Network Technology: GSM, HSPA , UMTS
3G Frequencies: 850, 1900 / 3G Bands: 2, 5
4G LTE Frequencies: 700bc, 1700 abcde, 1900 / 4G LTE Bands: 2, 4, 12, 17

Network Technology: GSM, HSPA , UMTS
3G Frequencies: 1900, 1700, 2100 / 3G Bands: 2, 4
4G LTE Frequencies: 700a, 1700def, 1900 / 4G LTE Bands: 2, 4, 12

Network Technology: CDMA
3G Frequencies: 800, 1900 / 3G Bands: 1, 10
4G LTE Frequencies: 850, 1900g, 2500 / 4G LTE Bands: 25, 26, 41

US Cellular
Network Technology: CDMA
3G Frequencies: 850, 1900 / 3G Bands: 0, 1
4G LTE Frequencies: 700ab, 850 / 4G LTE Bands: 5, 12

Network Technology: CDMA
3G Frequencies (MHz): 850, 1900 / 3G Bands: 0, 1
4G LTE Frequencies (MHz): 700c, 1700f, 1900 / 4G LTE Bands: 2, 4, 13

@Frequencies – where the sm. case alphabet letters are, is a representation of the BLOCKS in that Frequency used for Uplink (MHz)-(Mobile to Base), and Downlink (MHz)-(Base to Mobile), this is what I seem to understand from reading much.
*Frequency bandwidth blocks are essentially the amount of space a network operator dedicates to a network.


8 years ago

I bought a galaxy s5 that someone said was unlocked but when i placed my att sim card in there it wouldn’t work so I called boost they wanted my name and password. I explained i had bought the phone but they still needed the info. Can I unlock the boost s5 phone for ATT?

8 years ago

can I get my unlocked tmobile phone 2 work on boost

Linda Meier
Linda Meier
8 years ago

Hey Jeffery i have a question maybe u can help me with i have a us. Cellular phone that i bought from a friend and i wanna use it on my boost account can i do that? And also can u unlock an LG Tribute 5 from boost?? And grantee that it will unlock!?!

8 years ago

can the LG Volt 2 Boost Mobile be unlocked for GSM use

8 years ago

Can an unlocked Verizon phone be used on boostmobile with a boost mobile sim card ?

Ef bernardez
Ef bernardez
8 years ago

Can a sprint lg flex1 be activated on boost Mobile?

Kasandra M Martin
Kasandra M Martin
8 years ago

I received an unlock code but I still cannot activate my iPhone 4s, Ahh!!
Please if any one can help, it just says SIM not supported under server

8 years ago

can i take a unlock sims that is already boost and put it in a boost phone

8 years ago

I have an iPhone 5S from boost and have called to unlock it since I met their requirements, but I then went to Tmobile and the guy there inserted a Tmobile sim card and it said sim not valid or something similar. What can I do now?

8 years ago

Is there anyway that i can unlock lg stylo from boost mobile(sprint)?

8 years ago

i have a boost htc I received a msl code from customer service and I bought a walmart family mobile sim card to put In the phone and its saying the sim is not compatible .. how do I unlock to use the sim card?

8 years ago

I have Boost Stylo (active with the withe sim card) can the sim card be used in an AT&T iphone

8 years ago

I have active Boost LG Stylo (which has the white sim card) can I use this sim card in a ATT iphone (my co-worker has one they no longer use that was on ATT)

8 years ago

I want to unlock a boost mobile phone so I can slide my SIM card in. Even tho I paid full price for a iPhone 5S. But I called boost mobile customer service and they told me that the phone has to be Active for a year in order to see the unlucky number. Is that even true?

8 years ago

I have the moto e ( 2nd gen) that i bought off of someone and it was used thru ntelos can i make it work with boost with my sim and of so how

8 years ago

How Can I Unlocked Lg Volt 2 Boost Mobile Please Help.

8 years ago

hello i just bought and iphone 6s now no contract can i switch it to simple mobile

8 years ago

Hi I have an iPhone 5 from freedom pop and I want to convert it to boost mobile is this possible?

8 years ago

Can you unlock the lg volt 2 on virgin mobile or does it come unlocked and your able to use the features

8 years ago

When will sprints iPhone 6s be eligible for boost mobile?

8 years ago

I have a iPhone 5s from boost mobile can I switch to T-mobile?

8 years ago

I have called boost today and been back and forth with them and sprint regarding some galaxy note 2 phones. I have gotten one excuse after the other on why they could not activate them. I actually straight up asked them if the were bullshitting me. First they needed the old number of the phone and the pin. These phones were smashed to heck and we purchased them from a tech dude and put new screens and refurbished them. Boost keeps saying they cant be activated. Then after a while I was told they were black listed. Earlier within the day they were fine and had them checked. Later they were blacklisted cause boost didn’t want to activate them. Has anyone else had a issue with them doing this?

9 years ago

I called boost && asked for a unlock && all they did was give me a code what is my next step

9 years ago

I need help i have my msl code from boost now how do i input that to unlock it so i can make it straight talk

9 years ago

can u unlock boost lg stylo model#S770 to work on metro pcs i haveseveral metro pcs sim cards 1 active and three not?

9 years ago

can a iphone 6 from boost switch to the carrier at&t?

9 years ago

I just bought a sprint s6 edge, am i able to use it with boost?

lesa Phillips
lesa Phillips
9 years ago

can a zte maven be unolocked for boostmobile

Ganesh Kumar
Ganesh Kumar
9 years ago

Hey I bought a boost iPhone 6s a week back. They gave me an unlock code, but I’m not sure how to use it. When I insert an at&t sim, it just says sim not valid but not asking for any unlock code. Could you help me with this.

9 years ago

I bought an iPhone 6 from boost mobile a year ago now, and was told it would be unlocked but that is not true, it no longer shows its from boost but now it says it’s from sprint. I haven’t been able to use it with T-mobile, I went ahead and spoke to sprint and was told I would have to have it active for one year with them before it can be unlocked WTF!! They then told me they would buy it back for $400.00 , so I guess I will stay with sprint now or loose money on my part buying a new phone for T-mobile. Dumb asses!!!

Rennald Muñoz
Rennald Muñoz
9 years ago

I have boost (iphone 5c) i bought an iphone 6 for boost private party…..tried to switch sim from 5c to the 6 but says unrecognized account or some shit….. WTF!!

Jeffery Thompson
Jeffery Thompson
9 years ago

I work on all phone for personal reasons

Jeffery Thompson
Jeffery Thompson
9 years ago

I’ve unlocked fully upgraded and rooted still working on the trwp for it tho sm g360p prevail lte

10 years ago

I have not been able to activate an LG REALM until this week! Meaning I was able to take a BOOST phone and activate on FREEDOM POP! I got my device on BLACK FRIDAY for 14.99 but it had never been activated on BOOST MOBILE. Just my 2 cents.