From February 15th to March 31st, 2016, AT&T is running a special promotion for those that switch over to the provider.
If you signup for a $45 ($40 with auto pay active) or $60 ($55 with auto pay) GoPhone plan during the promotional period you'll automatically get your second month of service free. Current Cricket Wireless customers are excluded from this deal.
Plan Features
$45 GoPhone Plan ($40 Auto Pay)
The $45 GoPhone plan features unlimited talk, text, international text to 100+ countries and data with the first 2 GB of data at 4G LTE speeds. After your high speed data allotment gets used up, speeds slow to 128 Kbps.
Rollover data is also included, however rolled over data must be used within 30 days or it is lost.
The plan comes with wifi hotspot aka, tethering. Taxes and fees are not included.
$60 GoPhone Plan ($55 With Auto Pay)
The $60 GoPhone plan includes everything the $45 plan does with the following differences:
- 5 GB of 4G LTE data
- International calling to Mexico and Canada
- The ability to use your phone at no extra charge , including all features, talk, text and 4G LTE data while roaming in Mexico.
If the plans sound interesting to you head on over to the AT&T website in the coming days to sign up.
Overall I find the plans to be a pretty good deal, particularly the $40 GoPhone plan. This is only a good deal however, if you require full LTE speeds and international texting, otherwise Cricket Wireles will suit many better. Cricket Wireless's $35 with auto pay plan includes more high speed data than the GoPhone plan with 2.5 GB included, however, 4G LTE download speeds are limited to 8Mbps and international texting is not included.
The $55 GoPhone plan does not compare favorably to Crickets $55 plan. Crickets $55 plan includes twice the high speed data with 10 GB included, like the GoPhone plan, international calling is included, as is the ability to use your phone while roaming in Canada and Mexico.