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AT&T Prepaid Launches $75 Unlimited Max Plus Plan, Double Data Offer On $33/Month 3-Month Plan

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ATT Prepaid Display At A Local Area Target
ATT Prepaid Display At A Local Area Target

In June, BestMVNO reported that AT&T Prepaid updated its flagship plan, "Unlimited Max," to include 50GB of priority data up from 22GB as well as 25GB of mobile hotspot up from 10GB. The plan also got a price increase to $55/month after autopay ($65 w/o) up from $50/month. Now AT&T Prepaid has pushed prices higher with a new flagship plan called "Unlimited Max Plus." It's priced at $75/month before autopay or $65/month after autopay with taxes and fees costing extra. The new plan appears to be available exclusively through national retail stores like Walmart, and will be in dealer stores, but is not advertised online to new customers through the AT&T Prepaid website. In addition to the new unlimited plan, AT&T Prepaid is running a limited-time double data offer on its 3-month, $33/month plan. It will now come with 16GB of high-speed data up from 8GB.

AT&T Unlimited Max Vs Unlimited Max Plus

There are several differences between AT&T Prepaid's Unlimited Max and Unlimited Max Plus plans. For some customers, the most significant difference will be that the Max Plus plan comes with unlimited priority data whereas the Max plan only includes 50GB of priority data. Priority data is data that does not slow down compared to other customers when the network is busy with a lot of traffic.

The rest of the features and differences between each plan are summarized in the table below.

AT&T Prepaid Unlimited Max Vs Unlimited Max Plus
Unlimited MaxUnlimited Max Plus
Priority Data50GBUnlimited
HD StreamingYesYes
International CallingNo500 min to 30+ countries
Mexico & Canada Roaming25GB**25GB**
Cloud Storage100GB100GB

*Prices shown are before a $10/month autopay discount is applied to each plan. The Unlimited Max plan can be activated within Walmart stores for $55/month without the need for autopay. Taxes and fees cost extra for both plans.

**After 25GB of data is used during a billing cycle in either Mexico or Canada, data speeds are reduced to 512Kbps for the remainder of the billing cycle.

By default, video is set to stream at 2Mbps when using a 5G device, or 1.5Mbps when not, thanks to AT&T's video management feature. However, this feature can be turned off at anytime to view videos in a higher resolution.

AT&T Prepaid Double Data Offer

AT&T Prepaid sells a 3-month plan priced at $99 or an average cost of $33/month. It normally includes 8GB of high-speed data. However, through at least 10/17/23, customers who purchase the plan will get double data or 16GB of 5G data to use every 30 days. The plan also includes unlimited talk and text with talk, text, and data roaming in both Mexico and Canada. It also includes unlimited texting from the USA to over 100 countries. Up to 8GB of unused data is available for rollover one time lasting for one 30-day cycle. 8GB of mobile hotspot is also available with the plan. If a customer uses up all 16GB of high-speed data during a 30-day billing cycle, data speeds will be reduced to 128Kbps for the remainder of the billing cycle.

This offer does have a few limitations which are as follows:

  • Online only offer
  • It's only for new lines of service with new accounts
  • No multi-line or autopay discounts are available
  • Taxes and fees cost extra

AT&T Prepaid has not specified if the double data offer is for life for as long as the customer stays on the plan or not. Typically, offers like these are for life. BestMVNO has reached out to an AT&T Prepaid representative for clarification and the article will be updated if/when a response is received. Update: An AT&T representative confirmed to BestMVNO that the double data will only last for one 90-day cycle and then go back to 8GB.

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