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Total Wireless Appears To Be Running Double Data Promo

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Total Wireless Double Data Offer


Total Wireless appears to be running a limited time double data promotional offer. I use the word "appears" here because the Total Wireless website seems to indicate there's been a data increase on a couple of plans. However, Walmart's website points to the increases being limited time promotional offers. Let's take a closer look at exactly what is being offered. Thanks to Dennis Bournique from Prepaidcompare for the tip.

Double Data Offer Details

According to Walmart, Total Wireless's $35 and $50 plans are available with double their regular amounts of data until at least 12/31/21. The double data offers are available for all new and existing customers.

Total Wireless's $35 plan normally includes 5GB of high-speed data, however, through the offer it's now available with 10GB of high-speed data. Customers who purchase the plan from Walmart get an extra 1GB of bonus data bringing the total data allotment to 11GB.

The $50 plan normally includes 25GB of high-speed data. Through the special offer it will include 50GB. There is no extra bonus data with the plan if purchased at Walmart like there is on the $35 plan.

Both the $35 and $50 plan include unlimited talk, text, and data with the specified amount of data available at high-speeds before throttling to 2G data speeds. Hotspot is available with the plans. Up to 6GB of data can be used for hotspot on the $35 plan and 10GB on the $50 plan. Data is available at up to 5G data speeds on Verizon's nationwide 5G network. Total Wireless is a Verizon MVNO.

Total Wireless's sister brand, Straight Talk Wireless has been running a double data offer on its $35 plan as well. Until 10/30/21 the plan comes with 10GB of high-speed data instead of its usual 5GB allotment. It also includes unlimited talk and text and unlimited 2G data. Hotspot is available but only 5GB of the plan's data can be used for hotspot. It primarily differs from the Total Wireless plan in that it includes unlimited international calling to Canada and Mexico whereas the Total Wireless plan does not. The offer from Straight Talk is also available direct from Straight Talk and through Walmart.

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