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Tello Mobile Adds 2FA, Spam Protection, and Has a New Video Ad

Two-Factor Authentication was a long requested feature from customers. It makes accounts more secure.
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Tello Mobile Scam Guard

Tello Mobile has kicked off the new year by making a couple of changes to its service features. One is you can now further secure your Tello Mobile online account through the use of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). It supports secure authenticator apps like Authy or Bitwarden, rather than relying on less secure SMS (text message) codes.

Another newly introduced feature is "Scam Guard." Scam Guard will help to protect your account from Spam calls. Subscribers can enable Scam Guard to flag spam calls as "Scam Likely" or block them entirely. In block mode, calls are neither received nor logged. Scam Guard is a $2/month add-on tied to your current plan. If you change your Tello Mobile plan, you’ll need to repurchase it to have it automatically renew with the plan. Otherwise it expires 30 days after last purchase. If you ever manually cancel your plan, Scam Guard will also be cancelled.

The service features aren't the only things new from Tello Mobile, they also released a new video ad with 30 second and 15 second cuts, that call out "Overspenditis." It's not clear if the ads will make it to TV, but they are certainly cut by time for TV.

Last year, BestMVNO reported that Tello Mobile launched its first ever TV advertising campaign in February. With February around the corner, we'll have to see if they do it again.

How to Turn On Scam Guard and 2FA

Tello Mobile enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Tello Mobile enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Turning on 2FA is pretty easy. You'll simply need to go to the "My Information" portion of your online account (pictured). From there, scroll down to "Account Details" where you'll see "Extra Security" and "Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)." Once there, you can click the green "Set Up" icon to be greeted with a QR code that you can scan with your preferred 2FA authenticator app. Scan the QR code with your app, save the account, and input the code displayed by the app into your Tello account to complete setup.

As a new customer, you'll have the option to add Scam Guard to your account at check out. If you are a current customer you can just head to the "My Settings" portion of you account, then you can add the feature by clicking the buy link and checking out. After purchasing it, you'll be shown options to chose which way you'd like Scam Guard to operate.

Tello's "Put an End to Overpsenditis" Video Marketing Campaign

Tello Mobile's latest video ad features a couple sitting on their couch with a voiceover that announces, "We have a serious case of overspenditis." The couple is actually able to respond to the voiceover to ask, "what?" The voiceover explains that overspenditis is spending money on things "you don't need like over priced wireless." Viewers are then told introduced to Tello with the call to action, "it's time to say hello to Tello and start saving on your phone bill." The audience is then told they can custom build a plan to fit their individual needs and budget. The ad finishes with the tagline "put an end to overspenditis and switch to Tello today."

Tello Mobile is an MVNO that uses the T-Mobile network. The company was founded in 2015. BestMVNO's prepaid and MVNO subscriber count tracker shows they last reported a subscriber count in 2020 of 100,000. However, their current subscriber count is likely substantially bigger. Their app download count stands at over 100k downloads in the Google Play store.

Tello Mobile plans start at $5/month and can be purchased through the Tello Mobile website.

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18 days ago

tello was my favorite until they stopped offering non-stop data on all plans – so i switched to goo2go mobile and saved 50% on the same plan with non-stop data.