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T-Mobile VoLTE

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T-Mobile VoLTE has been expanding recently at a faster rate than they even post about it on their website.  Currently, only the  Galaxy S5, LG G Flex, Note 3 and Galaxy Light support the service barring you have the latest firmware for each device.

According to end users, VoLTE has recently been activated in Greensburg, PA, Jacksonville, FL, northern Denver, Fontana, CA, Albany, NY and Pittsburgh, PA.  If you're wondering if you have VoLTE simply check the data signal the next time you are on a call, if it says LTE you have it, if not, you don't.  For those of you who don't know, VoLTE stands for Voice Over LTE and it offers faster cell call connection times and improved call clarity in the form of  HD Voice.

This news is all fine and dandy, particularly if you are a customer of T-Mobile but what they really need to do is work on expanding their LTE network to cover the masses, and they have!  Recently T-mobile has surpassed Sprint as they now offer coverage to 230 million POPs ((point of presence) (essentially population covered)) in  comparison to Sprints POPs coverage of 225 million.  Verizon, the industry leader currently covers 306 million while AT&T has close to 290 million.  By the end of the year T-mobile plans to cover 250 million as it continues to replace it's antiquated 2G network with 4G LTE.

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