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RingPlus’s Latest Promotional Free Plan “Chamberlain” Features 1500 SMS, MMS, And MB Of Data

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RingPlus's latest promotional plan will open Thursday, July 14 at 7 PM PST and last until 9 PM PST.  The plan will reopen on Friday, July 15 at 7 PM PST and Iast until 9 PM PST.  New Member+ subscribers only, will get an additional chance to signup between Saturday, July 16 at 1PM PST until Monday, July 18 at 1 PM PST.

The Chamberlain free plan features the following:

Chamberlain Free Plan

  • 1500 SMS text messages
  • 1500 MMS multimedia and picture messages
  • 1500 minutes
  • 1500 MB (about 1.5 GB) of 4G LTE data

Tethering is available for $9.99/month.  A $30 auto top up is required to use this plan and is automatically charged to your credit card at signup and again if at any time your account balance reaches $0.  The top up fee is used to pay for any overages you may incur while on the plan which are priced at 5¢ per SMS, MMS, MB of data, and minute.

A social media requirement is also necessary at signup.  RingPlus asks subscribers to connect their Twitter account to their RingPlus account so that RingPlus can auto Tweet a message notifying your followers that you got this plan.

Porting is free during the promotional hours.

RingPlus plans come and go quickly, if you don't want to miss the next one fill out the form below to be notified of their next promotional plan announcement.

See how the Chamberlain plan compares to previous RingPlus promotions.


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