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RingPlus Announces Free Unlimited Cell Service: The Next Generation Plan 1

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RingPlus has announced yet another new promotional free plan.  By the title of the plan, I suspect several more free promotional plans will be announced again in the near future.  RingPlus announces new promotional plans so often that they can be hard to keep up with.  I suspect all of these plans are for testing purposes so that they can tweak their more permanent offerings based on how signups and profits go for each of these promotional plans.

RingPlus Free Cell Phone Plan Announcement

From the RingPlus discourse (their help and support forum, they do take ideas for new plans and promos from customers for those who want to give them their input);

"Free Unlimited Voice/Unlimited Text/500 LTE MB Data (first week)
From Then On: Free 1000 min voice, 1000 text, 500 MB LTE (and unlimited r+ to r+ talk and text) / Month + (add a Gig for $8/ Month or pay $0.02/ Per MB)

Tuesday, October 20, 2pm PDT – 10pm PDT

New accounts only (or you can add a line to your existing account)

First Week: Free Unlimited Voice/Unlimited Text/500 LTE MB Data

From Then On: Free 1000 min voice, 1000 texts, 500 MB LTE (and unlimited R+ to R+ talk and text) / Month

1) You can add multiple GB of LTE data for $8 each if you like

2) No contract! (Cell Phones Only)

3) Real cell service, not VoIP

4) Free voicemail to email

5) Hotspot tethering enabled

6) Emergency number setup and social network integration

7) Free parental control features (block data, texts, and picture mail, blacklist or whitelist calls, and block all calls and texts by time)

8) Over 25 RingPlus+ Radio stations included. Choose from Billboard Top 100 to Classical, or stay up-to-date with World and Financial News

9) WiFi calling via Sip client available.

10) In-call live cloud translator available.

11) Bring Your Own Sprint Device. www.ringplus.net154

12) Overages are billed $0.02 cents Min/Text/Data


  • Go to www.ringplus.net154 and choose the Next Generation Plan 1 (scroll down on the website). Don’t worry if the plan isn’t on the site yet, the link will appear just prior to the promotion starting 2pm PDT, Tuesday.
  • Then proceed with the activation of your cell phone. Follow the links on our website.
  • A $10 top up is required during signup. If, and only if, the balance reaches $0, another $10 auto top up will automatically occur. Don’t throw away money on activation fees
  • Social Media Requirement: Please connect your new Next Generation Plan 1 account to any of the three social networks during signup (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) and post about this promotion. Be sure to include a link to If you connect via Twitter, for your convenience an auto-post saying the following will be posted for you:

Just signed up for free cell service. If you want it too, check out Thanks #dontgetmilked"

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9 years ago

Found the free plan in their store.

9 years ago

Forgot to mention this was one drawback back in the days when dealing with CDMA carriers. One needed to call in just to swap their phones out if you got tired of your current one. I prefer SIM based factory unlocked GSM phones. I just swap phones out at my choosing.

Seems Ringplus allows swapping on the fly but charges a monthly fee or a one time fee. Their site doesn’t give much detail.

Also it seems the free plan only requires a $5.00 initial deposit in case one goes over. Unless I am looking at the wrong plan?

9 years ago
Those parental features will come in handy for me way way down the road. Dunno why others don’t offer this as a free incentive to attract more customers.