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New MVNOs Debuting in 2015

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      We here at BestMVNO from time to time get contacted by various companies and persons informing us either that they are a new MVNO that is launching or that they are a small one that has been humming along for a brief period of time.  These companies generally write to us to inform us of their existence and to ask us if they can be included in our databases.  We have absolutely no problem with this and strongly encourage this behavior.  We don’t want to exclude anyone from our databases as long as they offer plans that meet our requirements to get listed into one of them.  Those requirements are clearly listed on each MVNO page.

     Now there is a problem however with new MVNOs, including some of the ones that have contacted us, and that can be concerning.  I’m going to take a few minutes now to outline some of these issues before announcing some of these new companies.

     When a potentially new MVNO contacts us, we currently have no idea of their legitimacy.  This problem can quickly become compounded and we are currently working on a way to resolve this.  You see, a couple of recent contacts in the past few months have emailed us telling us about their service and asking for inclusion into our databases.  When we replied back to them with further questions, we never heard back from them, thus further compounding the issue.  This doesn’t make them illegitimate, in fact they may be quite legitimate and our emails simply may have been directed to a spam folder which is something we do occasionally face and hope to get this resolved in the next week.  It also could be that these new businesses are flooded with emails and simply do not see our response although that is something they need to handle better on their end.  It is also possible that we have been responded to but our emails were lost in cyberspace. However, using quite a bit of internal testing, we have never lost an email from numerous domains that we have emailed BestMVNO from.

     Another issue with these new MVNO’s is you have no idea how long they will be in business for.  They could offer service for one month and be out of business after two, which makes them a bit more risky for the end user.  However, if they offer the right service at the right price, it may well be worth the risk to give them a try, because after all, if they do fold, you can simply switch to another under the same parent brand with generally relative ease.

      A third issue is not totally about the MVNO itself but about this website.  Since this site does report news, when we get contacted we are thrilled when we can be the first on the web to report about a new service.  This helps our website grow and reach new audiences. However, for the reasons outlined above, we must do this with extreme caution and care so as not to introduce any harm to any of our readers.  That is the last thing we want.  This means that we must constantly walk a fine line in doing what’s best for our website and readers.

      Having got those issues out of the way, I feel I can safely walk that fine line and introduce you to a few new MVNOs, however be forewarned all of the mentioned issues in this article do apply to them.  Hopefully these MVNOs are reading this article, because I can’t give them a full recommendation or include them in our databases until we know more about them and their legitimacy.  So for the moment, we advise our readers to use discretion in choosing any of these MVNOs and hopefully we can have something positive to say about them relatively soon.  The following MVNOs have soft launched with claims of going public sometime in January.

Boss Cellular.  Boss cellular is an MVNO that operates on the AT&T, Sprint and Verizon networks and offers what it self proclaims as the best prepaid wireless plans.

FMP Communications, which currently operates as a Sprint MVNO but will soon crossover to Verizon.

Sunshyne Wireless which will launch as a T-Mobile MVNO, but currently has no official website to direct potential customers to other then a Facebook page.

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Curtis McCoy
Curtis McCoy
9 years ago

Hi Best MVNO team,
Thanks for mentioning Boss Cellular (My Boss Cellular, Inc.) in this article! We’re up and running successfully and starting to open new stores!

We greatly appreciate your inclusion of Boss Cellular on your site! Feel free to share this on our page if you’d like:

Will you guys be going to CTIA Super Mobility Week 2015 in Vegas? Hope to see you there!