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Boss Revolution’s Plans Start At $20 For 1GB Of 4G LTE Data

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Boss Revolution Has New Unlimited Plans Starting At $20/Month
Boss Revolution Has New Unlimited Plans Starting At $20/Month


Boss Revolution, the brand known for selling international calling cards has launched some new unlimited plans that use Sprint towers to provide cellular service.  The plans start at $20/month and all feature unlimited talk, text, and data with mobile hotspot. There is a high-speed 4G LTE data limit with each plan.  The company is advertising on its website unlimited 3G data speeds after the high-speed limit gets reached.  This would be in contrast to every other provider on the market that I'm aware of where data speeds slow to 2G after the high-speed allotment gets reached.

In the past, I once had an MVNO tell me that I should write in my articles that their data speeds are 3G once the high-speed allotment gets reached.  After talking to that company, they told me their "3G" data speeds were at 128Kbps.  That's hardly what I or most would refer to as 3G data speeds and so I did not oblige to their suggestion.  In fact, most providers on the market refer to 2G data speeds as 64Kbps - 128Kbps.  3G data speeds have a theoretical maximum download speed limit of 42Mbps, although speeds of up to 600Kbps (or more depending on where you look) are typically considered 3G by today's standards.  Given my previous experience, I was skeptical of Boss Revolution's claim of having unlimited 3G data speeds.  I gave a call over to customer support and they told me their 3G data speeds top out at 110Kbps.  So, unfortunately, their claim of 3G data speeds seems like nothing more than a marketing ploy to me and I will refer to those speeds as 2G moving forward.  Now if you can get past that claim, Boss Revolution is offering some fairly priced plans with a good feature set.  However, they may come with some privacy concerns.

Boss Revolution's

Boss Revolution is offering 4 unlimited plans.  Features common to all plans include unlimited talk, unlimited text, unlimited calls to over 65 countries, unlimited 2G data and mobile hotspot.  The differentiating feature between each plan is the amount of 4G LTE data included with each and they are highlighted below.

  1. $20/month - 1GB 4G LTE data
  2. $30/month - 5GB 4G LTE data
  3. $40/month - 15GB 4G LTE data
  4. $50/month - 50GB 4G LTE data

Now the plans certainly aren't the cheapest Sprint based plans on the market, but pricing is more middle of the pack to slightly better than average in terms of value.  The plans do come with international calling, which is not something that all Sprint based providers offer and may help to justify the price points.  Also, taxes and fees are included in the prices, and they aren't included in the pricing of some of the other Sprint based providers which on the surface would give them the appearance of having cheaper plans than Boss Revolution.

Boss Revolution has a retail presence in national stores such as Target where its international calling cards are sold.  A representative from IDT Telecom, Boss Revolution's parent company, has told me there are no plans at this time to get the new unlimited plans on the shelves of national retail stores.

Are There Privacy Concerns With Boss Revolution?

While checking out the details of Boss Revolution's new unlimited plans, I noticed on the bottom their website there was a link entitled "Do Not Sell My Personal." Clicking on the link takes you over to IDT's website where California residents can opt-out of having their personal information sold by IDT or its affiliates.  So it seems like subscribers to Boss Revolution may have their personal data sold off.  Boss Revolution does have a privacy policy on their website where you can examine more closely what type of information they may collect about you and possibly sell.  It is a highly detailed 11-page privacy policy and I suggest you check it out if you are interested in their services.  The policy does state "we may target particular advertisements or other content to you based information we have collected or you provided," and clearly says what type of information may be sold some of which include your "unique marketing identifier, email address, and mobile number."  Boss Revolution says the data may be sold to ad networks, data analytics providers, and social networks.

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