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AT&T Prepaid Appears To Have Started 2021 By Discontinuing A Couple Of Plans

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ATT Prepaid Appears To Have Eliminated A Couple Of Plans To Start 2021
ATT Prepaid Appears To Have Eliminated A Couple Of Plans To Start 2021

It's a new calendar year, and that means a new year of phone plan updates to look forward to. AT&T Prepaid may be the first provider out of the gate to have updated its plans for 2021.

Looking over AT&T Prepaid's plans today, I noticed a couple are no longer available for purchase. AT&T Prepaid's 3-month plan is no longer available. The plan was originally released about 6-months ago, and cost $99 for 3-months of wireless service with unlimited everything and the first 8GB of data each month available at high-speeds. The annual plan priced at $300 and a 6-month plan priced at $180 both remain in place and have all the same service features that could be found on the 3-month plan.

The other plan that appears to have been discontinued at least through the AT&T Prepaid website is the $65/month unlimited high-speed data plan. AT&T's $75/month prepaid unlimited plan remains in place and is available for $60 with autopay billing applied. That plan includes 5G data access, 100GB cloud storage, HD video streaming, 22GB priority data, and 10GB of mobile hotspot, features that were unavailable on the seemingly discontinued $65 plan. Now when you check out AT&T Prepaid's homepage, you'll see the plan still listed. However, when you click "shop now" to browse available plans, it is no longer an option. I'm not yet sure if the plan was mistakenly omitted in a website update by AT&T or if it has permanently been dropped. I'm inclined to believe it was intentionally dropped.

Update: 01/04/2021 - An AT&T rep informed me that neither plan has been discontinued. There was a problem with the AT&T Prepaid website. Both plans are now available again for purchase.

For most of 2020, AT&T Prepaid's $75 plan was available to new customers who enabled autopay for just $50/month. Important to note is that the $65 plan was also $50/month with autopay billing enabled. Given the $75 plan was the far better offering, the $65 plan likely didn't see too many signups for most of the year thus paving the way for AT&T to be able to eliminate it.

AT&T did offer some exclusive plans and deals through independent multi-carrier dealers throughout 2020 as well as through Walmart. It's possible the discontinued plans may still be available through those channels.

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Fred Ward
Fred Ward
2 years ago

ATT Prepaid needs to get their systems in order. Having some payment errors now even though account has plenty of credit.