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Cricket Wireless APN Settings to help fix your data & MMS problems

Updating Your Cricket Wireless APNs
Updating Your Cricket Wireless APNs

If you have no data and your internet doesn’t work unless you connect to WiFi you likely need to update your Cricket Wireless APN Settings.

Before switching to one of the settings listed here, I recommend that you delete all the other non-working APNs on your phone or device by following the directions below. After applying the new settings, be sure to save it, and then select it for use. If you still find they don’t work, try rebooting your phone. If you still don’t have success, leave a comment so the issue can be looked into. If you find you have APN settings that work or ones that are different than those listed here, feel free to share them in the comments section below or send an email so that the database can be updated. If you need to send an email for any other reason, please list what phone you are using and which carrier/MVNO that you are having trouble getting your APN to work with.

Please note: It is very IMPORTANT that you follow all the formatting shown.

If you see something capitalized, then capitalize it. If you see a comma, use a comma, if there are no spaces between the comma and other words, then don’t make spaces between them. If you don’t follow these rules, your APN profiles will not work properly, and your internet and/or MMS picture messaging will continue to not work.

To configure your APNs and delete your old ones you’ll first have to find where the settings are located in your phone. Below are a couple of general guides that you can use to find them on Androids and iPhones. If you already know how to access them, just skip over the section and scroll further below to the actual settings themselves.

How To Change Your Device APNs To Cricket Wireless


APN settings on the iPhone can be difficult to change because in many cases Apple blocks full access to the settings unless you jailbreak and thus hack the phone.

For those of you who do have access to the settings they can be found by going to either:

  • Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Network


  • Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network.

Once there you can either tap to reset settings to default or manually edit them. Alternatively, you can also check for automatic APN configuration by using a carrier profile. You can do this by going to settings” followed by “general” and then “about.” If a carrier profile update is available you’ll see a notification for it there. If you have to add custom APNs to your iOS device, be aware that anytime you update iOS, Apple will reset the APN settings back to what they were before you put your custom ones in. So you will have to edit them all over again.

APN Update Guide For Android Phones And Devices

If you have an Android device, getting to the settings will vary a bit based on your device’s manufacturer and Android version. I currently have a Google Pixel 7, and to get to my APN settings I must go to “settings” then “Network & Internet” followed by “Internet” and then click on the gear icon next to my carrier’s name. Then I scroll down and click on “Access Point Names.”

How To Change Your Device APNs
How to change your device APNs. Click the gear icon next to your carrier’s name, then scroll to click on “Access Point Names”

Alternatively, I can just go to my phone’s settings, use the search bar, and type in “Access Point Names” to be taken to the right place. In general, you can access your APN settings by going to “settings” then clicking on “wireless networks” or “network & internet” then “mobile network,” and finally “Access Point Names.”

You can delete whatever settings are already in your phone or device before you attempt to add one of the new ones shown below. Deleting your existing APNs require you to first click on the actual APN itself, then click on the 3 dot menu, then click on delete. Sometimes it will not be possible to delete them. All you will be able to do is add new APNs to your existing ones or reset the ones that are already there. To reset your APNs, do not click on the actual APN settings, but rather click on the 3 dot menu and click “reset to default.” To add new APNs like the ones shown below, you should see either a + sign next to the 3 dot menu or the word “ADD” depending on your device. Clicking on that will allow you to add new APNS. Once your are done adding all the appropriate settings, you’ll have to click on the 3 dot menu again and then “save” to store them in your phone.

Below are tables of different APNs. You DO NOT need to add all the different tables of APNs to your device. You only need to add one. Once you have one that is working, stop. Do not try adding others. In general, the tables are listed in the order of which ones you should try first.

APN Subscriber Verified
APN NameInternet
MMS Port80
Authentication TypePAP
APN Typedefault,mms,fota,hipri,supl
APN ProtocolIPv4
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Alternate 1
APN NameATT Phone
MMS Port80
Authentication TypeNone
APN Typedefault,mms,supl,hipri
APN ProtocolIPv4
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Alternate 2
APN NameInternet
MMS Port80
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,fota,hipri,supl
APN Protocol
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Alternate Settings 3
APN NameInternet
MMS Port80
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,supl,hipri
APN Protocol
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Cricket Legacy
APN NameCricket
MMS Port80
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,fota,hipri,supl
APN ProtocolIPv4
APN Roaming ProtocolIPv4

If you tried the above and nothing at all works for you, your phone shows no signal and you still can’t place calls, send texts and use data, your phone is either not compatible with the Cricket Wireless network or you have a bad SIM card and should request a new one from Cricket Wireless.

If you can use some parts of the phone like make calls and send texts but can not connect to the internet or send MMS your SIM card is fine but your phone may not be compatible with the network. It may also be that you still haven’t found a working APN for your device. You should also double check your APN settings and make sure you haven’t accidentally added a space, or comma to a setting when there shouldn’t be any.

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1 year ago

Thanks for all your help. ????????????

Mike Jones
Mike Jones
2 years ago

I tried all of this and still can’t get my wifi calling to work… even cricket support can’t figure it out. maybe time to buy a new phone? I’m over this.

-Mike J.

5 years ago

I have 4 VPN settings currently, do I delete them all and then add all of the above? Or do I add one of the above and see if it works? My phone, MOTO Z Play, isn’t receiving all calls, and sometime texts come in delayed. (my son and mother have the same random issues)

5 years ago

I’ve tried to change my cricket ones to Att but it won’t let me save and it changed them as soon as I put them in?

5 years ago

Not working someone help need to use maps asap Wi-Fi goes off soon
Cricket store not open

5 years ago

It doesnt work

5 years ago

If I put none for MVNO TYPE, the APN settings won’t save.

6 years ago

The MMSC option is not shown? Anybody knows why that would be? Thanks

Travis Waters
Travis Waters
6 years ago

Helped alot

6 years ago

I have a s6 on a cricket plan. I receive mms messages just fine, but can’t send any mms. Any ideas?

6 years ago

Mms just stopped working why?
Did cricket change something?

6 years ago

When you are updating to these settings, is restarting the phone enough or should I shut it down and remove the SIM? For 1 min or 15min? Cricket phone customer service advised 15min and it seemed overkill.

6 years ago

Using a sprint note 5 unlocked rooted and running custom rom by teleteam i used the verified settings and now have LTE running at a speed test rating of 8mbps. Thank you for your help.

6 years ago

I bought galaxy 9 and have cricket.Ive put in all codes each time it comws up 2g cricket restricted.

6 years ago

Hi Joe,

I switched from Sprint to Cricket. Same Galaxy S7. the phone will only sometimes connect to a network, but that may take hours it may only last for a n or a few hours. Same issues as others where I can’t receive MMS. It is connected to the GSM, but it won’t stay on that mode. Can you help me please?

6 years ago

Switched my galaxy s7 (bought from verizon) from verizon to cricket. Wasn’t receiving group messages/mms- it said that the messages failed to download. The verified settings fixed my issues (they’re slightly different from the ones on the cricket website). Can’t delete the “LTE – Verizon” APN (it’s grayed out) but my phone works now without any issues. Thanks for the article!

6 years ago

I have a LG exalt vn220 I only get 3G I tried everything even called them to reset the network but nothing helped I tried every APN from that list but my phone is still running on HSPA 3G the phone is compatible with the 4G 2100 MGH on the”bring my phone” from cricket the IMEI shoed it should work fine but nothing.. it’s working on my grandma’s old 3G network!
If anyone can help I will deeply appreciate!
Thank you!!

6 years ago

I have unlocked At&t S7 on cricket..i used 1 got great signal but no internet,added no 3 and saw immediate signal boost. so far so good thank you.I will update if it doesnt seem to get better

Steve Gonzales
Steve Gonzales
6 years ago

It is the galaxy j3 android AT&T ” cricket wireless). Can’t send text messages everything else works keeps saying failed.

Steve Gonzales
Steve Gonzales
6 years ago

We have the galaxcyj3 art ( cricket) every time I try to send a message it says failed. Everything else works.

6 years ago

My old apns wont delete whats up with that

6 years ago

Can make calls,text,or use internet it says 4g LTE but has an x in my signal say my service is connected.i try a the anp setting none of them worked.

6 years ago

I have S7 that I switched from AT&T to Cricket. New sim card. changed apn settings but on/off is greyed out?? Any suggestions?

6 years ago

OMG! Option 3 worked! Thank you so much… changed phones and it’s been a frigging mms nightmare, tried so many other discussion’s solutions. ..Until now! Thanks again!

6 years ago

When i save a APN it just deletes

6 years ago

Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Purchased a Nokia 3310 feature phone with Cricket as my provider. When adding a new access point or editing an old access point, the only listed fields are as follows:
Name, Username, Password, Access Point, Gateway, Port, Set home page, DNS address, network type, (and) IP type.
There is no option for proxy, mmsc, mcc, mnc, or anything else. I have played around with putting the proxy into the gateway slot, and whatnot to no avail. Data and picture messages are not working. The only exception is that, curiously, I have managed to get the internet to work by leaving all fields blank aside from: Name (Internet), Access Point (ndo), Port (80), and leaving the default network type (http) and default IP type (IPv4). The internet works on those settings, and I am able to visit websites, but I still cannot send or receive picture messages despite knowing that the Nokia 3310 has the capability.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
6 years ago

Sony xz2 not getting all texts everything else works fine. Smsc# not updating properly. Phone gives update error or auto populates adding 3 more digits cricket says is incorrect

6 years ago

I got unlocked android tablet compatible with cricket wireless it tells me my sim card registered to device but when I try to make a call out or receive a call nothing says mobile network not available I been to cricket dealer for correct APN settings still not working please help

6 years ago

I have a us cellular unlocked galaxy s6. All incoming calls are showing international and I can only get 4g and h+. How do i fix this. Cricket customer service has no clue

Amy C. Batson
Amy C. Batson
6 years ago

I have a ZTE blade max x, I can’t call out, no calls in, and can’t access voicemail. Anything I can do to fix?

6 years ago

I have a Samsung S5 and tried all of these settings and they did not work. It’s a Verizon phone originally, but unlocked and tryng to use on Cricket. Phone works and texting works, but any pic/mms text or internet doesn’t work.

S Fisher
S Fisher
6 years ago

I have a zte blade and i was on metro pcs the phone is unlocked so they say and none of these apn’s worked

Edvin bonilla
Edvin bonilla
6 years ago

Hi I have a galaxy s9 plus with Verizon and I have cricket on it and I can’t get LTE signal on it and I already set up the apn

Amber Olsen
Amber Olsen
6 years ago

So, I just bought a Galaxy Note 3 and everything is supposed to work but I can’t access the LTE network. I only get H+. Any advice? It’s an unlocked device from Best Buy and cricket says the LTE should work.

7 years ago

I have a cricket coolpad canvas and I was able to send and receive mms up until yesterday. I spent over an hr at cricket store trying to resolve as well as follow the steps above. I’m still unable to send or receive.

7 years ago

Hi, I just got a Kodak ektra phone and cricket is my provider. I’ve tried all the APN settings and nothing worked to retrieve my MMS. I think it has something to do with network provider selected too but I can’t figure it out. Cricket is not on there so I tried AT&T.
Please help.

Angela Volm
Angela Volm
7 years ago

Rebooting my phone goes back to old carrier for the MMSC, why when you did the Buy Out

7 years ago

I have a cricket coolpad canvas and I was able to send and receive mms up until yesterday. I spent over an hr at cricket store trying to resolve as well as follow the steps above. I’m still unable to send or receive. 🙁

7 years ago

At first, none of these suggestions worked. Then I watched a You Tube video and found out my ‘Data Usage” button was not on. Once I slid it over to the right and activated it, it worked like a charm.

7 years ago

None of these options helped me at all. I have a Pixi Theatre by Cricket running Android 6.0.1 and have only owned it for a few months. The mobile data is suddenly not working. And all the suggestions above, including spelling cricket with a lower case ‘c’, didn’t help.

7 years ago

When I loaded the configuration setting I continue to get “browser not supported”

7 years ago

Thankyou! Alternate setting 2 worked for me. I made sure not to leave spaces after commas. I was getting helpless with mms, now its solved thanks to you.

7 years ago

Follow just one social network MyAss! What a shady site you run just for asking people to do that. You ought to get your ass kicked for lying!! It doesn’t unlock the settings.

Android user
Android user
8 years ago

I can get these setting without “Following you” being forced to by blocking content makes me angry Bye Bye

8 years ago

I have the LG v10 Verizon unlocked version and on cricket now and can’t mms messages. Please advise correct apn settings

Hugh Jass
Hugh Jass
8 years ago

Hi there ignorant people…what is a person supposed to do when they don’t participate in social media? Do you think the world is filled with kids only?

8 years ago

Unlocked TMobile LG Stylo 2 Plus. I tried every APN I have found online even these. Only my web browser will work. Apps that need a connection say they are offline despite having bars on 4Glte. Can not send or receive pictures. Please help!

8 years ago

I have the Zte Grand X4 with Cricket, and I never get 4g Lte! I barely get any signal as it is. Is there a way to fix this issue? Maybe with a new Apn?

Patia Anderson
Patia Anderson
8 years ago

Can you help me, I can’t receive or send picture mail. I have a BLU 8.0 mega phone.

8 years ago

Hi i have a kyocera hydro wave for metro its unlocked and using cricket sim card all apn setings are set and still can’t send or receive pic messages can someone help

8 years ago

I have my service switched from zte Max to lg g flex att with cricket service . Everything works except I can’t receive calls tried all the apn settings please help.

8 years ago

Just swapped a MetroPCS Kyocera Hydro Wave to CricketWireless.
i have tried all the above settings. tried the ones on cricket’s BYOP andriod setup page and so on. Swapped over 4 other phones as well (no problems. G4 and HTC’s) the Wave however gets to the internet fine, runs speed tests, SMS, and just about everything i have tested…. except MMS nothing goes, nothing comes. the message comes in says i have an MMS to Download. click button and it sits there recieving now for hours.

8 years ago

I have a Motorola Droid Turbo 2. It was on the Verizon network. I called them and they claimed that it was unlocked. I was able to get it switched over to Cricket. Phone service, text, mms everything seems to work okay except Cricket’s Visual Voicemail. For some reason, when I click begin set up, it starts to clock and then comes up with the message, “Hmm, something isn’t right… We couldn’t find the information we need to complete your Visual Voicemail set up. Make sure you’re connected to the Cricket Wireless Network.” I have spent 8 hours(combined) on the phone with customer service making changes to APN’s etc…I have tried to use your current APN settings as well. I brought a Samsung and 2 Motorola Droid mini’s from Verizon and all of those phones are working fine with this app. I’m starting to think it is either the app or my phone but don’t understand why. Why would mine not?

8 years ago

Thank you for this thread, and all the advice! After >10 hours failing to get MMS to work, at least I don’t feel so alone or so inept.
I have an unlocked Verizon Galaxy S7 with a cricket SIM. Everything except MMS works. MMS not working is a dealbreaker for me. I have tried all variations of APN settings, triple-checked for accuracy. I have tried both “global” and “LTE” Network modes. I have tried default messenger, google messenger and textra. Nothing works. I don’t have the skill or time to get into rooting. Have you any suggestions before I sell this phone at a loss and port everything all over again to a new phone? Thank you!

8 years ago

I need help with my verizon phone(galaxy s7), i cant recive pictures, my service is cricket but the phone recognized the service as AT&T, i already try bunch of apn’s

Godwin Nnali
Godwin Nnali
8 years ago

I tried all of these and can only get a H+. Is it even possible for me to get my 4glte. I have a Verizon galaxy s5

8 years ago

I have a Samsung Galaxy Alpha AT&T Unlocked what apn setting should I use my internet speed is only 2.30 MBPS on 4GLTE

8 years ago

The only change I noticed is there is a profile listed under VPN now that shows a cellular profile. Again, this didn’t help.

8 years ago

I have a Sprint iPhone 5. Sprint has given me unlock codes but Cricket cannot get the phone to work. I went to a website to change the APN as suggested by the cricket rep. Phone still doesn’t work with any SIM except sprint. Please advise.

8 years ago

I had at&t note 4 work flawless on cricket.. but I wanted to be able to root and use custom rims so I sold it after I bought a t mobile note 4.. everything works except I notice it drop’s let when I make a call. I know that voLTE worked on the at&t version.. is there sumthing to do I’m missing? The setting on to bike note isn’t evenvthere.. at&the phone had a setting for enhanced HD voice which kept it in late mode while making and receiving calls. Any help would be great. . Thanks Kyle

8 years ago

Hello! I bought an international Sony Xperia Z1 (the 03 model) and have tried all of the settings you listed above multiple times. I’m not all that unfamiliar with unlocked/rooted phones so I do understand how to do this and have successfully for the last four phones I’ve had. What I can’t seem to figure out, this time, is the fact that I don’t have any kind of data. I can send and receive MMS messages, but where there should be a 4g or 3g is a small uppercase E. How can I fix this?

Jesse Reneau
Jesse Reneau
8 years ago

Hi I’ve got everything working Sept I have an h and a h+ I can’t get 3g or 4G . Note 3 vorizon phone now on cricket. I’ve used the settings u showed

8 years ago

I tried all the settings above and couldn’t get MMS to work on my Oneplus One using Google’s or Cyanogen’s SMS apps. Strangely enough, I switched to Handcent’s SMS app (based on Oneplus’ customer service recommendation) and MMS works. Not the best fix, as using their app seems very clunky to me. I continued trying different SMS applications and it seems Yaata is working properly as well (with a much more pleasing interface). Upon first starting the app, it gave me the choice to use AT&T MMS or AT&T WAP. This was a first for me. I selected AT&T MMS… which seemed to be the proper selection. Hopefully my struggles can help somebody in the future.

Sean C.
Sean C.
8 years ago

I have the OnePlus 2 on Cricket and my MMS has not worked until I created a new APNand used the ATT Phone APN setting. Now works great!

8 years ago

As of 2/29/16 I had bought an unlocked phone on amazon Blue Selfie studio, I am using a Cricket Sim card, but had to use the Alternate (ATTPhone) setting. For the APN Type I didn’t have hipri as an option to select so I just left it out. It worked, now I can send picture messages which was the problem.

John Christman
John Christman
9 years ago

I have an LG G2, rooted and MMS was working great until recently. I think I’ve tried everything there is to try. The only thing I can think of is I had installed a few 3rd party text apps, later uninstalling them, is it possible their installation messed up some settings somewhere???

9 years ago

I have a LG G2 with Kit Kat on cricket wireless, I tried recreating these actions letter for letter; but the APN Type is “greyed out” meaning it doesn’t let you edit the field like you can with the rest, so as of now I have a POS paperweight with pretty lights. It won’t send photos, won’t connect to 4G or LTE, drops calls while dialing and the best service I can get is “E” with one or two bars – not that it makes a difference since it drops calls while its dialing anyway. I verified the phone is unlocked if that has nothing to do with it. I am wondering if Cricket is just not compatible or AT&T has this phone locked down to its network, because these APNs along with every other APN I have found don’t do anything and nothing seems to let me edit the APN Type area of the settings. About ready to begin air to wall high impact testing with this garbage phone. Any advice is appreciated.

9 years ago

none of these work with an unlocked LG G4