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Total Wireless and Straight Talk Now Have Unlimited Tablet Plans From $10/Month

Total Wireless and Straight Talk have expanded their offerings with new tablet plans and tablets.
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Total Wireless New Unlimited Tablet plans


Verizon Value brands, Total Wireless and Straight Talk Wireless have each released two unlimited tablet plans. The two plans are priced at $10/month and $20/month when bundled with a phone plan. However, if purchased separately, they become significantly more expensive, costing $50/month and $60/month, respectively. Taxes and fees are included in the pricing.

Tablet Plan Comparison

Both carriers offer identical plans, detailed below:

5G Ultra Wideband (UW) AccessNo*Yes*
Video Streams720p1080p

Clarification on the 5G UW Disclaimer

A small discrepancy exists regarding the 5G UW speed. On Total Wireless's tablet plans page, a disclaimer states:

"Speeds up to 25 Mbps when on 5G Ultra Wideband."

However, the broadband facts label for the plan lists typical download speeds of up to 634 Mbps, creating some confusion.

It is likely that the $10 base plan has a 25Mbps speed cap—either as a general speed restriction or a cap when connecting to 5G UW. Straight Talk’s website does not include this disclaimer, but it likely applies there as well.

There is one minor notable difference between Total Wireless and Straight Talk's tablet plans. A SIM card for a tablet will cost you $2.99 from Total Wireless while it's $4.88 from Straight Talk.

These tablet plans are only intended for use in tablets. They are not compatible with routers or home internet setups. Separate data-only plans from each provider are available for those use cases.

Verizon Value's Perspective

“For many people, managing multiple devices can be costly,” said David Kim, Chief Revenue Officer at Verizon Value. “Both Total Wireless and Straight Talk understand the importance of staying connected across multiple devices without breaking the bank. Our new Unlimited Tablet Plans are the most affordable among no-contract wireless providers, and are designed to make it easier and more budget-friendly for our customers to enjoy the benefits of real, unlimited data.”

New Tablets Available

To coincide with the plan launches, Total Wireless and Straight Talk have also launched three new tablets. Online pricing for each tablet is the same from both providers and shown below.

  • TCL Tab 8 Plus $159.99
  • TCL Tab 10 NXTPaper 5G, $219.99
  • Samsung A9+ $239.99

The TCL Tab 8 Plus is not a 5G capable device. So I would avoid that one if you want the best possible experience with a tablet on Verizon's network otherwise you may be more likely to run into a slow or congested network.

Total Wireless has been rapidly opening up branded stores. The latest prepaid report from Wave7 Research stated they now have over one thousand opened. Customers looking for a tablet will find them discounted there for a limited time:

  • TCL Tab 8 $29.99
  • TCL 5GNXTPaper $49.99
  • Samsung Galaxy A9+ 5G $99.99

The discounts are available to new customers when adding a tablet line with a 5G unlimited tablet plan.

According to the Pew Research Center, 98% of Americans now own a cell phone. With that market seemingly saturated, providers must look for other ways to get consumers connected to grow their subscriber bases. Offering data only plans for tablets, hotspots, and home internet are a way to do that.

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Stephen Blakeney
Stephen Blakeney
15 days ago

Due to my experience with Total wireless, they would have to pay me to have their service. Not sure I would want it even if they did…….