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Page Plus Cellular APN Settings to help fix your data & MMS problems

If you have no data and your internet doesn’t work unless you connect to WiFi you likely need to update your Page Plus Cellular APN Settings.

Before switching to one of the settings listed here, I recommend that you delete all the other non-working APNs on your phone or device by following the directions below. After applying the new settings, be sure to save it, and then select it for use. If you still find they don’t work, try rebooting your phone. If you still don’t have success, leave a comment so the issue can be looked into. If you find you have APN settings that work or ones that are different than those listed here, feel free to share them in the comments section below or send an email so that the database can be updated. If you need to send an email for any other reason, please list what phone you are using and which carrier/MVNO that you are having trouble getting your APN to work with.

Please note: It is very IMPORTANT that you follow all the formatting shown.

If you see something capitalized, then capitalize it. If you see a comma, use a comma, if there are no spaces between the comma and other words, then don’t make spaces between them. If you don’t follow these rules, your APN profiles will not work properly, and your internet and/or MMS picture messaging will continue to not work.

To configure your APNs and delete your old ones you’ll first have to find where the settings are located in your phone. Below are a couple of general guides that you can use to find them on Androids and iPhones. If you already know how to access them, just skip over the section and scroll further below to the actual settings themselves.

How To Change Your Device APNs To Page Plus Cellular


APN settings on the iPhone can be difficult to change because in many cases Apple blocks full access to the settings unless you jailbreak and thus hack the phone.

For those of you who do have access to the settings they can be found by going to either:

  • Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Network


  • Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network.

Once there you can either tap to reset settings to default or manually edit them. Alternatively, you can also check for automatic APN configuration by using a carrier profile. You can do this by going to settings” followed by “general” and then “about.” If a carrier profile update is available you’ll see a notification for it there. If you have to add custom APNs to your iOS device, be aware that anytime you update iOS, Apple will reset the APN settings back to what they were before you put your custom ones in. So you will have to edit them all over again.

APN Update Guide For Android Phones And Devices

If you have an Android device, getting to the settings will vary a bit based on your device’s manufacturer and Android version. I currently have a Google Pixel 7, and to get to my APN settings I must go to “settings” then “Network & Internet” followed by “Internet” and then click on the gear icon next to my carrier’s name. Then I scroll down and click on “Access Point Names.”

How To Change Your Device APNs
How to change your device APNs. Click the gear icon next to your carrier’s name, then scroll to click on “Access Point Names”
Alternatively, I can just go to my phone’s settings, use the search bar, and type in “Access Point Names” to be taken to the right place. In general, you can access your APN settings by going to “settings” then clicking on “wireless networks” or “network & internet” then “mobile network,” and finally “Access Point Names.”

You can delete whatever settings are already in your phone or device before you attempt to add one of the new ones shown below. Deleting your existing APNs require you to first click on the actual APN itself, then click on the 3 dot menu, then click on delete. Sometimes it will not be possible to delete them. All you will be able to do is add new APNs to your existing ones or reset the ones that are already there. To reset your APNs, do not click on the actual APN settings, but rather click on the 3 dot menu and click “reset to default.” To add new APNs like the ones shown below, you should see either a + sign next to the 3 dot menu or the word “ADD” depending on your device. Clicking on that will allow you to add new APNS. Once your are done adding all the appropriate settings, you’ll have to click on the 3 dot menu again and then “save” to store them in your phone.

Below are tables of different APNs. You DO NOT need to add all the different tables of APNs to your device. You only need to add one. Once you have one that is working, stop. Do not try adding others. In general, the tables are listed in the order of which ones you should try first.

APN Main
APN NamePage Plus
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication TypeNot Set
APN Typedefault,dun,supl
APN ProtocolIPv4/IPv6
APN Roaming ProtocolIPv4/IPv6

APN Settings
APN NameVerizon
MMS Proxy
MMS Port80
Authentication Type
APN Typeinternet+mms
APN Protocol
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Settings 2
APN NameVerizon
MMS Proxy
MMS Port80
Authentication Type
APN Typeinternet+mms
APN Protocol
APN Roaming Protocol

If you tried the above and nothing at all works for you, your phone shows no signal and you still can’t place calls, send texts and use data, your phone is either not compatible with the Page Plus Cellular network or you have a bad SIM card and should request a new one from Page Plus Cellular.

If you can use some parts of the phone like make calls and send texts but can not connect to the internet or send MMS your SIM card is fine but your phone may not be compatible with the network. It may also be that you still haven’t found a working APN for your device. You should also double check your APN settings and make sure you haven’t accidentally added a space, or comma to a setting when there shouldn’t be any.

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Jon H
Jon H
3 years ago

Got a new S10e – spent 2.5 hours on the ph480one with pageplus, and they couldn’t give me APN/network settings that worked! Specifically I couldn’t get 4g or mms to work. After getting a couple of ‘clues’ from Pageplus and this site (for Tracfone), I was able to piece it together. Here are my settings. If it’s not listed, it was left blank (“not set”). Capitalization is important!

Name: tracfone.vzwentp
APN: tracfone.vzwentp
MCC: 311
MNC: 480
APN Type: default,mms
APN protocol: IPv4
APN roaming protocol: IPv4
Bearer: unspecified

David F
David F
3 years ago

Noel S. – Thank you so much for putting that information out there for us. However, that would never work for me as this is my wife’s phone and it either works or it doesn’t. I had a simpler solution to this problem. I went to the Verizon store and got a prepaid plan through them. It took 15 minutes to port from PagePlus (12 of which was Verizon porting support getting Page Plus to release the number). Turned the phone off, turned it on, activation automatically took place after 3 minute download and…. EVERYTHING worked perfectly!! Calls, texts, MMS, internet, everything that a S10 should do – it did! No fiddling with APNs, no switching or trying new configurations. It just worked. The plan my wife now has is $10 more expensive than Page Plus for the first 2 months, then it drops even with Page Plus, then after 9 months it is $5 less than Page Plus. Oh, and it was an unlocked S10.
Not selling for Verizon, my old S7 is still sitting on a Page Plus plan and will be until I upgrade in a couple of months…

Noel S
Noel S
3 years ago

This is a 2 part solution for not being able to send or receive MMS. “Pictures on Text Messages or Just Pictures”, Text Messages with only text are never a problem.

I have a Samsung Note9 from Verizon using a Page Plus SIM card that was used in a Galaxy S6 before and was working fine my service is Page Plus, I installed the SIM in the phone and I noticed that I did not have 4g internet and called Page Plus Support and they showed me the steps to be able to make a new APN with the name=Page Plus and the APN= TRACFONE.VZWENTP but at that point they just told me to save the new APN and use it, it worked to get the 4g service that I wanted but I realized later that I was not able to send or receive MMS and the pictures will be “sending” for a while and then stop, I called them again and they just told me that is a problem with Samsung Phones from S8 to S10 including the “Notes” and I should contact Samsung.

Searching on forums and Websites online I found out that there are settings that can be used on the APN that make the phone able to send and receive MMS, after trying a lot of settings I found out that the only way for me to Send and Receive MMS is if I use 2 different APN, I will use one for everyday use and I will use the second one only when I want to send MMS is as easy as click the one that I need and there is not a restart needed, it takes effect in around 3 minutes and the way I know is because in the First one on top of the screen I get 4g and the second one I get only 3g internet speeds, once you save the 2 is easy to pick up the right one since the APN is different as follows:

To make sure that you can go back to the way is your phone right now is recommended that this setting be applied to a new APN this way if you do not like the results you can just delete it.

In my android phone to get to the APN you have to go to Setting – Connections – Mobile Networks – Access Point Names and on top of the screen you can click Add, once you add all the settings below you have to click the dots in the corner of the screen and click save and then you can choose your new APN from the list of Access Point Names:

APN 1.- To be used for everyday use:
Wifi Can be ON or OFF
Make and Receive Calls Yes
Send and Receive MMS Only Receive.
Internet Speed 4g

With the following settings, not included settings will not be touched.
NAME – Page Plus
Multimedia Message Port – 80
MCC – 311
MNC – 480
APN type – default,mms,supl
APN protocol – IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol – IPv4/IPv6

APN 2.- To be used to send MMS:
Wifi Have to be OFF to send or receive MMS
Make and Receive Calls Yes
Send and Receive MMS Send and Receive
Speed of Internet 3g

With the following settings, not included settings will not be touched.
Name – Page Plus
APN – vzwinternet
Multimedia Message Port – 80
MCC – 311
MNC – 480
APN type – default,mms,supl
APN protocol – IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol – IPv4

I hope that someone can use this help and not spend the whole day
looking for a solution, using 2 different APN is not that difficult after a while you
know that if you want to send MMS you have to turn Wifi OFF and pick
the right APN and after you are done you can just go back to the
the other one if you need 4g and Wifi ON.

David F
David F
3 years ago

With a new unlocked Galaxy S10 with a Page Plus Sim card that works perfectly in an S7 – everything works except for MMS out. MMS in works with the following:
Multimedia Message Port – 80
MCC – 311
MNC – 480
APN type – default,mms,supl
APN protocol – IPv4/IPv6
APN roaming protocol – IPv4/IPv6

Couldn’t even get my phone to save an APN entry with MCC of 310 and MNC of 012. Anyone have other suggestions on how to get MMC out to work?

David F
David F
3 years ago

Can’t get the two Verizon APNs to even save on my phone. I can get MMS down but not up. Any ideas about how to see the comments?

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