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Metro by T-Mobile APN settings to help fix your data & MMS problems

Updating Your Metro by T-Mobile APNs
Updating Your Metro by T-Mobile APNs

If you have no data and your internet doesn’t work unless you connect to WiFi you likely need to update your Metro by T-Mobile APN settings.

Before switching to one of the settings listed here, I recommend that you delete all the other non-working APNs on your phone or device by following the directions below. After applying the new settings, be sure to save it, and then select it for use. If you still find they don’t work, try rebooting your phone. If you still don’t have success, leave a comment so the issue can be looked into. If you find you have APN settings that work or ones that are different than those listed here, feel free to share them in the comments section below or send an email so that the database can be updated. If you need to send an email for any other reason, please list what phone you are using and which carrier/MVNO that you are having trouble getting your APN to work with.

Please note: It is very IMPORTANT that you follow all the formatting shown.

If you see something capitalized, then capitalize it. If you see a comma, use a comma, if there are no spaces between the comma and other words, then don’t make spaces between them. If you don’t follow these rules, your APN profiles will not work properly, and your internet and/or MMS picture messaging will continue to not work.

To configure your APNs and delete your old ones you’ll first have to find where the settings are located in your phone. Below are a couple of general guides that you can use to find them on Androids and iPhones. If you already know how to access them, just skip over the section and scroll further below to the actual settings themselves.

How To Change Your Device APNs To Metro by T-Mobile


APN settings on the iPhone can be difficult to change because in many cases Apple blocks full access to the settings unless you jailbreak and thus hack the phone.

For those of you who do have access to the settings they can be found by going to either:

  • Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Cellular Network


  • Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Options > Mobile Data Network.

Once there you can either tap to reset settings to default or manually edit them. Alternatively, you can also check for automatic APN configuration by using a carrier profile. You can do this by going to settings” followed by “general” and then “about.” If a carrier profile update is available you’ll see a notification for it there. If you have to add custom APNs to your iOS device, be aware that anytime you update iOS, Apple will reset the APN settings back to what they were before you put your custom ones in. So you will have to edit them all over again.

APN Update Guide For Android Phones And Devices

If you have an Android device, getting to the settings will vary a bit based on your device’s manufacturer and Android version. I currently have a Google Pixel 7, and to get to my APN settings I must go to “settings” then “Network & Internet” followed by “Internet” and then click on the gear icon next to my carrier’s name. Then I scroll down and click on “Access Point Names.”

How To Change Your Device APNs
How to change your device APNs. Click the gear icon next to your carrier’s name, then scroll to click on “Access Point Names”

Alternatively, I can just go to my phone’s settings, use the search bar, and type in “Access Point Names” to be taken to the right place. In general, you can access your APN settings by going to “settings” then clicking on “wireless networks” or “network & internet” then “mobile network,” and finally “Access Point Names.”

You can delete whatever settings are already in your phone or device before you attempt to add one of the new ones shown below. Deleting your existing APNs require you to first click on the actual APN itself, then click on the 3 dot menu, then click on delete. Sometimes it will not be possible to delete them. All you will be able to do is add new APNs to your existing ones or reset the ones that are already there. To reset your APNs, do not click on the actual APN settings, but rather click on the 3 dot menu and click “reset to default.” To add new APNs like the ones shown below, you should see either a + sign next to the 3 dot menu or the word “ADD” depending on your device. Clicking on that will allow you to add new APNS. Once your are done adding all the appropriate settings, you’ll have to click on the 3 dot menu again and then “save” to store them in your phone.

Below are tables of different APNs. You DO NOT need to add all the different tables of APNs to your device. You only need to add one. Once you have one that is working, stop. Do not try adding others. In general, the tables are listed in the order of which ones you should try first.

APN Metro by T-Mobile 5G Main
APN NameMetro
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,supl,hipri,fota,xcap
APN ProtocolIPv4/IPv6
APN Roaming ProtocolIPv4/IPv6

APN Metro by T-Mobile 5G Main alt
APN NameMetro
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,supl,hipri,fota,xcap
APN ProtocolIPv4/IPv6
APN Roaming ProtocolIPv4/IPv6

APN Alternate Settings 1
APN Namemetropcs
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,supl
APN ProtocolIPv4
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Main
APN NameMetroPCS
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,supl
APN ProtocolIPv4
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Alternate Settings 2
APN Namemetropcs
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,mms,supl
APN ProtocolIPv6
APN Roaming Protocol

APN Alternate Settings 3
APN NameMetroPCS
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
Authentication Type
APN Typedefault,supl,mms
APN ProtocolIPv6
APN Roaming ProtocolIPv4

If you tried the above and nothing at all works for you, your phone shows no signal and you still can’t place calls, send texts and use data, your phone is either not compatible with the Metro By T-Mobile network or you have a bad SIM card and should request a new one from Metro By T-Mobile.

If you can use some parts of the phone like make calls and send texts but can not connect to the internet or send MMS your SIM card is fine but your phone may not be compatible with the network. It may also be that you still haven’t found a working APN for your device. You should also double check your APN settings and make sure you haven’t accidentally added a space, or comma to a setting when there shouldn’t be any.

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Eric Laipenieks
Eric Laipenieks
3 years ago

Its been almost a month where this showed up on my cell phone w metro pcs


4 years ago

I have a galaxy S9+ its acting up. I can send pis,voice texts,pencil texts, but not typed texts. It’s a T-mobile phone thats actually brand new. i turned it on yesterday and initially the texts worked, but after a couple hours stopped. I get a failed to send. Anyone have this issue or know how to fix it?

wm haven
wm haven
4 years ago

LG K20 Plus i can call and receives calls, ican text BUT…can not send or receive pics. all data is on i show connectivity bars. ….in the upper left corner i used to have a white telephone with signal bars coming out of it, that icon is no longer there and weif fi is on and i can get on the net. ….what now and i have put in an new sim card and metro can not authenticate my IMEI number

Darlene Lamb
Darlene Lamb
5 years ago

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 GSM unlocked on Metro pcs service. I have OK Internet connection most of the time. I can send and receive text. Phone calls I can get or call out. I need a APN setting please

5 years ago

Samsung Galaxy a20 If it works I have internet.

5 years ago

i have moto e5 play with metropcs unlimited 4glte plan. my apn setting are 310 260 ipv6 ipv4 default,supl,mms GID 6D38 and grayed out can edit. my data is super slow also loses connection all the time. goes from LTE TO E TO X then i toggle airplane works and does same help me fix please

5 years ago

I would donate but don’t feel secure without the https. It wasn’t on the page that I’m too put my credit card info.

Junior Pop
Junior Pop
5 years ago

Hello there i just have a problem that my internet is going slow and sometimes it goes down i don’t have internet access and I can’t even make a call and i went to a MetroPCS store and they say it is because i bought my phone in bestbuy and my phone is not from their company and I want to know if someone know how to fix my problen with my internet. Please and thanks!

Max Shumsky
Max Shumsky
5 years ago

Hello everybody! I just spent a week trying to figure out Samsung A7. I bout one for my wife, Gold one. We switched her MetroPCS to this one, everything worked perfect! So I ordered one for my self, but got Black one, bit cheaper. When we switched that one… internet was at 2G the most!!! I need my 4G! So that how I found this discussion, but anything I’ve tryed-didn’t work. Then I looked closer at numbers. My wife’s phone is SM-A750G/DS, my was SM-A750FN/DS, so she’s got G and I got FN. Found on Google the diference, G and GH models have twice the number of 4G bands then FN model. I ordered Blue one, GH model, and sure enough, as soon as they(MetroPCS guys) switched me to the new phone, it showed 4G signal! And it works perfect! I hope this will help someone who need’s it!

Paul Malasankas
Paul Malasankas
5 years ago

Any info for an Unlocked Umidigi phone bought off Amazon? Only thing that does not work is wifi calling or messaging. I have tried all apn. Not even sure if the apn settings are wrong for wifi calling. Yes its enabled.

5 years ago

I have a very interesting case. Everything on my Note 4 on Metro by T-Mobile (formerly metropcs) works perfectly, except for outgoing sms ONLY. I have tried dozens of configurations. It is even a T-mobile phone.

The funny thing is that I can send SMS to myself, and they come through fine, and other people’s texts seem to be coming in. It just does not send outgoing texts.

5 years ago

My phone is not working completely, i have the as an apn,also have Name :EPDG MMS/XCAP APN :tmus .can you tell me anything that will fix my phone?it still doesn’t work and I have been without a communication all day.I have alot of business to attend and it’s hard to find time to just go visit a location for an metropcs store.

6 years ago

I have a Huawei honor 8x everything works fine but the Internet is slow it stays on E network which is 2g. I tried all of the settings and it still doesn’t upgrade to 4g

6 years ago

Hello there. I have a Galaxy S7 Edge. I have tried all of the APN settings. My phone works fine, able to send texts, recv text, receive pictures. I can not sent any pictures/videos or group texts. This was a Verizon phone. Any help would be so appreciated. All worked great until I switched to MetroPCS. Also which network Mode should I be on? Global, LTE/CDMA, or LTE/GSM/UMTS?

6 years ago

hi i have a metropcs service i bought t-mobile note8 but i have bad service i dont recive sometime calls

Joanne Ramos
Joanne Ramos
6 years ago

I was not able to see what MVNO Value supposed to be on my Metro Acatel Android?

Salvador Salas
Salvador Salas
6 years ago

Hi. I have a verizon note 4. My carrier is metropcs. My issue is that i dont get good service at all! I always( not literally always, but enough to the point where its caused me to reach out for help. Hence, this post) have no signal and the phone switches to global mode. I get every feature, picture sms, sms , data , cell service. It just always loses service. Can someone help me, please? Or is it the phone ? Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanku in advance for ur time and mobile wisdom.

6 years ago

What are the differences between the alternate settings? Also, why do some sites say that the MNC should be 16, is there a difference?

6 years ago

I have Metro and just got a Galaxy S9 and have tried all these settings and still no service or anything.

Diamond M Carmichael
Diamond M Carmichael
6 years ago

i just bought a verizon galaxy s5 and used my metro pcs sim in the new phone. my internet and calls work but my mms and group texting wont

6 years ago

yes the reason I was asking about the https:// opposed to the https is because I was just watching reading an article about hackers and there was saying not to use any URLs without the HTTPS I don’t know if that’s the same for these APN settings you know cuz I’ve changed my APN settings many times but it’s always been a https:// I was just trying to clear that up

6 years ago

I have a Google Nexus 6 I bought unlocked from eBay that I had my number switched to. When I am at home I have almost no service but I have great wifi, however I cannot send or receive messages or make or receive calls, bit I can use data. Is this my apn? Thanks

6 years ago

Thank u I’ve been searching for a few days now for the right son setting for my new phone nd nothing until now! just want to thank u for alternate setting 3 it worked nd I’m one happy camper!

6 years ago

Hey, All,

After having a mini-stoke (not really) after dealing with MetroPCS “customer service”, I’ve turned to peer support for assistance.

I have had a samsung s5 on the MetroPCS network for several years, and recently, my texts have been giving me intermittent issues, but only when trying to send while on wifi. I can receive everything while on wifi, and most times I’m able to send while on wifi, but recently the texts wont go through, whether it’s just a SMS text, or a MMS.

So, today I upgraded to an unlocked S9+, and the texts would not go through at all while on wifi. The went through just fine when wifi was turned off, but this is a pain and these phones should be smart enough to switch between the two I would imagine.

I changed the APN type from:

default,supl,mms.xcap to default.mms.supl

This has made the texts go through, but not 100%. Sometimes, I still have to turn the wifi off, and then back on for the texts to go through.

What could it be?? A setting with my wifi causing troubles? I haven’t had a chance to test it on another network yet to see if it is a wifi issue specific to my network. Could it be the wrong APN type?

Appreciate any input in advance!!

6 years ago

using an unlocked htc m8 and none of these settings seem to work on it properly. i dont have internet or mms usage. calls and sms only seem to be working properly

6 years ago

I have a new Huawei Mate SE I purchased thru amazon. This phone’s bands are compatible with Metro. I was already a Metro customer and took the phone to a Metro store (two weeks ago) to switch over service from my Galaxy S5. The employee entered the following codes:

APN name: MetroPCS Data
MCC: 310
MNC: 260
APN type: default,supl,hipri
APN protocol: IPv4
APN roaming: IPv4
MVNO type: None
MVNO value: Not set

I had been regularly sending group texts and sending photos, no problem. Data and calls were working as normal. ALL was working fine for the past two weeks I’ve been using the phone until today. I started getting notifications from Textra that MMS was not working and to check APN settings. I tried the native messenger app and Google messages and still MMS is not working, sending or receiving. SMS is working fine. Data and calls still work fine.

So what changed? I didn’t do any changes to any settings anywhere. Before I do any of the above, please look over the codes I’ve listed and can you please give your opinion on what went wrong all of a sudden. Could it have anything to do with Metro’s rebranding with T-Mobile? Is it the codes the employee entered? Is it my phone? Gremlins? Thank you in advance.

6 years ago

i have a note 8. i had to use the 3rd alternate snd put GID now.. PERFECTION!!!!

6 years ago

Thank You! Same as Amir, I got no where with the MetroPCS store. Thanks to your APN settings, I now have Internet and MMS texts.

6 years ago

Thank you for this info. After an hour and a half with dealer support from Metro- I got NOWHERE with my Note 9 from Verizon. I had mms working but NO internet. Thanks to your 3rd alternate settings the internet works! So I promptly hung up on them as they were pretty confused. (Not to knock them so bad- I worked for them for 10 years. Their level 3 support is excellent but you have to call the consumer side and get through a lot of BS before you get them. The dealer tech support leaves quite a bit to be desired)
The problem now is I have Data, but NO MMS. Any thoughts??

6 years ago

It won’t let ued the sever

Michael S
Michael S
6 years ago

ok….here is my issue. i have a tmobile branded alcatel idol 4s that cannot receive mms ( pics or vid ). my carrier is metropcs i can receive txt msg. tried all the apn settings with no luck. spend 2 days at metro store. swapped my sims from a lumina 640 to the idol 4s.everything else works except receiving pics/vids with txt msg……sim setting tells me that im useing LTE, IMS is unregistered, Internet APN is activated but my MMS APN is applied…… to ANY suggestions….thanks

Corey Montana
Corey Montana
6 years ago

Thanks worked on my S6 edge

6 years ago

FYI alternate settings 3 was the combination I needed for a tmobile note 8 to completely work properly on metropcs. Other settings would allow either mms to work, or mobile hotspot to work but not both.

6 years ago

atempted with Droid turbo 2, did not work

Steve M.
Steve M.
6 years ago

Best 4gLTE settings on a xfinity mobile phone (Network unlocked) using Metro pcs for service.. And eep in mind it does work it….. just stays on edge or 3g but never gets 4g LTE..what do I do to fix and make faster and newer apns for 4g LTE service? Please help.

Leigh Ann
Leigh Ann
6 years ago

I too just bought an unlocked AT&T Samsung Galaxy S7 and am having trouble with my messages. I use Metro PCS as my carrier. It will not download messages from some people ( I am pretty sure they all have Iphones). I usually mesage them telling them I can’t download their message and they resend it to me and it works then. Then we will be texting back and forth and all of a sudden their messages will stop downloading again. So frustrating. I have entered all the APN’s above with no change, then I messaged my phone and it wouldn’t download saying ” Unable to send message-Message Blocking is active. I then looked into message blocking and call blocking and it says “0” blocking. Hope you can help !! Everything else on the phone works great, internet, emails, etc.

6 years ago

I just bought a unlocked att Samsung Galaxy S7 active and I can’t get it to work on my metro PCS sim card

6 years ago

Can you tell me which one of these apn settings is right for at&t Alcatel ideal 4060a on MetroPCS network.

6 years ago

I cannot make video calls with my galaxy 9+ unlocked. Help

Phillip Puckett
Phillip Puckett
6 years ago

Does any of these give free data

Aaron M.
Aaron M.
6 years ago

I have an LG Stylo 3 Plus On metroPCS. I can send MMS but cannot receive. This issue just started this week. I’m not good at tech stuff and have tried to do the steps above. Perhaps I’m doing it wrong? At this point any help would greatly be appreciated

6 years ago

I have a galaxy s5 from Verizon that I added the appropriate apn settings and the phone will work for 2 minutes then it will lose service and not receive any mobile data. What is the solution? I used all the settings for the apn and none of them worked. Can it be a phone issue?

Johnny Balvuena
Johnny Balvuena
6 years ago

What about the new aristo 2? What would be the proper settings? Thank you

6 years ago

I have an verzion J v7 im trying to bring over and i dont knkw if it will work any ideas?

6 years ago

Does changing the apn affect the monthly charge I pay to Metro?

6 years ago

first settings fixed my mms, thanks.

6 years ago

Heyy hoping you are available for response I’m trying to change from old old Samsung smartphone to a Verizon wireless Samsung j3 with metro pcs service. I tried the basic apn settings that Google brought up but that’s it and I got no service come through. Figured I’d ask you first before I go trying ten different settings. Any idea if I’m able to do this or what settings will be best? Again trying to use MetroPCS service with Verizon Samsung j3 phone. Thanks a ton!

6 years ago


I am trying to get the APN to a Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900T (T-Mobile Unlocked) but none of the APNs you listed worked. I am trying with these APN settings from a MetroPCS Moto E (Apr 21, 2018) but still no success.

Any suggestions? Please HELP, thank you.

APN Name MetroPCS
MMS Proxy
MMS Port
MCC 310
MNC 260
Authentication Type
APN Type default,supl,mms
APN Protocol IPv6
APN Roaming Protocol IPv4
APN enable/disable APN enabled
MVNO value 6D38

6 years ago

Hi, I have tried all APN settings possible that I found on the net. Have a oneplus 2(A-2005) and my MetroPCS data isn’t working.*plus it only shows T-Mobile icon.when I pull down notification,it shows the reception bars with (!)icon
Any help plz

Jr m
Jr m
6 years ago

Just bought a Google pixel it’s active under metro pcs phone calls internet and sending messages works just can’t receive them?

Jr m
Jr m
6 years ago

Hi, I have a Google pixel on metro pcs I can send but can’t receive messages any idea?

Miguel Velasquez
Miguel Velasquez
6 years ago

Cannot send or receive picture messages on an unlocked Verizon Note 4 on MetroPCS. Have tried various APN settings to no avail. Any idea what it could be? Thanks in advance!

6 years ago

I bought a Samsung s9 plus unlocked with a MetroPCS simchip and it does not read the simchip. it says no service.

Inderpal Singh Sangha
Inderpal Singh Sangha
6 years ago

I have moto g4 plus. On this phone, I was using LTE in India, now here I have bought metroPCS sim and I can only get “E”, no “G” or “LTE”. Internet is the slowest. I can make calls and text but please help me with internet speed. I have unlimited 4G plan. I have tried all the APN settings above and also the one’s given by MetroPCS customer support.

Inderpal Singh Sangha
Inderpal Singh Sangha
6 years ago

I have moto g4 plus. On this phone, I was using LTE in India, now here I have bought metroPCS sim and I can only get “E”, no “G” or “LTE”. Internet is the slowest. I can make calls and text but please help me with internet speed. I have unlimited 4G plan. I have tried all the APN settings above and also the one’s given by MetroPCS customer support.
Please help me.

6 years ago

Hi, I have a ZTE Z Max pro (metro pcs) and it sends up to 250+ texts when I only send one to somebody ????????. Someone please help ????

6 years ago

I have an Sprint S7 edge unlocked with an MetroPCS simchip in it and it works good but i can’t get picture messages un less i restart my phone. all it say is can’t download message. PLEASE HELP ME! Thanks

6 years ago

I can’t get my Google pixel 2 to to get service no matter what apn setting I put in

6 years ago

This worked for my mms. However, my note 5 (previously from Verizon) refuses to be able to make or receive a voice call, and maintain cellular internet connection at the same time. Metro had no suggestions

6 years ago

Hi, I bought a HTC Desire 10 Pro Unlocked and I have MetroPCS. I’ve tried all the above settings and it still says no service. Please help.

7 years ago

Bought LG V20 unlocked AT&T phone and I am using MetroPCS the Internet is perfect. But it doesn’t work with calls. Also change the APN several times and does not work. Please advise.

7 years ago

hello sir, so I have been having an issue with my texting. trying to send pictures. they wont send, or if its a group chat i cant reply to them in the group pleaseeeeeee…THANK YOU!

7 years ago

I have a metro pcs zte z828 and i can not get the network to pull up at all. this phone has never been unlocked. I and im trying to get this phone working can you help?!?!?

Cindy Sanchez
Cindy Sanchez
7 years ago

Worked perfectly.. called metro nd they weren’t able to resolve it but with your help I did. Thanx.

David Frazier
David Frazier
7 years ago

We just went to a s6 edge on Metro PCS and have everything working except when we try to send a picture via message. It just sit there forever saying sending but never sends. Any ideas?

David Frazier

7 years ago

I have an unlocked Oukitel C5 Pro w/ metropcs and when I input these APN combinations I get E (Edge) instead of 4G. I have preferred data type on 4G so I’m just lost

Mike Blakeslee
Mike Blakeslee
7 years ago

Please help!
I have an UNLOCKED Galaxy Note 5 (T-Mobile) and now w/MetroPCS. I used my note on SIMPLE Mobile, after updating to their APN Settings of course lol. Now that we’re w/MetroPCS I want to use my Note again but every APN I’ve looked at and inputted every combination and still says NO SERVICE…
I’m at a lose now and really don’t want to have to use the Galaxy J7 Prime that I got when we switched to MetroPCS….
Please please please please help me, someone… ANYONE!
Mike ????

7 years ago

I don’t have the phone in front of me to try, but will this work on a Sprint Galaxy S6 moved over to Metro PCS after an unlock? Thank you very much for your time

7 years ago

Hello , i have galaxy s6 edge plus from sprint and i can text, go on the internet but no phone calls will go through incoming or out going. It just says attempting and then hands up. what can it be or what can i do?

7 years ago

Hi, I have added of the APN information to my phone (Sprint Galaxy S7) but I’m still unable to text pics or send group messages. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

7 years ago

I am having the problem with i can not text one particular person and it just happened to be the person on my family plan. I keep getting the retry and the triangle with the exclamation point. Been on phone with Metro for 30mins and they claim they helped but no avail.

7 years ago

Tried all 3 APN settings, can receive, but still can’t send. Phone is a Galaxy S4 (verizon).
I’ve tried
iPv4 and IPv6 and IPv4/IPv6 settings with each.

7 years ago

what what i can’t believe it since I’m T mobile customer Metro PCS dose work with T Mobile this is funny shit man and I get faster speed too

7 years ago

i cant send pictures now :/

7 years ago

I had the same problem. I am with metro but use a t-mobile apn setting. Only way I could send and receive mms

7 years ago

Tryed all 3 and still no mms even tryed tpv6

7 years ago

Tryed all 3 still no Internet or mms

7 years ago

I have tried all three of these APN settings still can’t send or recipe mms messages. I still have Internet though.

7 years ago

thank you! it actually worked!!!

7 years ago

OMG thank you! This worked! I was on the phone with a rep AND went to the MetroPCS site and neither could help me but you did. Bless you! I need this phone to communicate with my kids.

7 years ago

Please help trying to setup Hubby’s Sims card on this zte zmax I’ve done everything correct but it still says no service

7 years ago

PLEASE HELP!! I have just bought a Samsung s8 + with a tmobile\mertropcs 50 doller plan when I was in the states the guy sed the plan would work in Mexico but I am unable to connect here ..any advice???

7 years ago

PLEASE HELP!! I have just bought a Samsung s8 + with a tmobile\mertropcs 50 doller plan when I was in the states the guy sed the plan would work in Mexico but I am unable to connect here ..any advice???

Toni Brown
Toni Brown
7 years ago

Can’t get my samsung s7 from Tmobile to work . I currently have no data

Dre castro
Dre castro
7 years ago

The hotspot is working but it is terribly slow. It was going fast earlier before the data ran out and forced me to change the apn. Any ideas what could get back to the original speed?

7 years ago

I have a lg v20 unlocked do i just put the apn and will it work

7 years ago

How about an BYOP IPHONE SE? Is there away to make the iphone se faster..

7 years ago

Any idea what to use for an LG Stylo 3 Plus?

7 years ago


I jus got a Windows10 HP Elite x3 phone, it’s unlocked for any carrier and brand new and SOOO DIFFICULT to use and to make things even worse, I haven’t been able to use any of my data or send picture messages since I got the dang phone!! I tried changing the APN already once and nothing!! Can somebody PUHHHLEEEASE HeLP ME?!?!

Sara Schmidt
Sara Schmidt
7 years ago

I’m using a galaxy note 4, and none of these worked. I’m at a loss of what to do…

7 years ago

I know this is an older post but wanted to thank you for the info. The 2nd from last worked for my phone.

8 years ago

This worked for my phone. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! 🙂

duwaine blake
duwaine blake
8 years ago

Thank you so much, you saved my phone from being a automatic return. I went to the Metro PCS store the idiot behind the counter didn’t know what he was doing, all he did was reboot my phone and tell me I’m good now, LOL.
My service drops soon as I pulled off from the store. I had to Google your website solve the actual problem

8 years ago

I have T-MObile Galaxy Note4 and when I insert the given APN settings for MetroPCS it doesnt work at all. Once it came in under the tmobile network for all of literally one second then went bck to no network at all. PLEASE HELP

Fcc ID:A3LSMN910T.


8 years ago

I have a Galaxy. note 4 and the. ApN isThat

Brian Langley
Brian Langley
8 years ago

This is very odd.I have a ZTE avid plus Z828,I have cell coverage it’s only like 1/2g. Very slow,Two weeks ago I input the APN settings in, it turned my 1/2g into 4g beautifully. I went back into APN settings and accidentally deleted it. Since then I have tried many, many different APN’S. It will accept some of them but it never is 4g.i have rebooted, factory reset and nothing seems to work.what do I need to do,so it’s 4g? Here is Internet speed test data, first one is 1/2g ping 68,download .01, upload .013, /4g ping 97, download 37.45 upload 19.67 BIG difference please help me figure this out.

8 years ago

HELP!! I have all of the APN info to fill in, but everything except APN is greyed out. It will not allow me to select it to type in info on my s7. Tech support is useless. They did the Sim swap online and only my text messages are working. No calls or data. Had the same problem in store. Won’t allow me to fill in APN name or anything else.

8 years ago

I bought unlocked S7 on ebay and connected it to MetroPCS. I don’t have the Hotspot icon in the settings (not just in the quick settings) and I’m getting Hands Free Activation saying that the activation wasn’t completed. The guy at Metro store is no help. How do I get the hotspot to show up?

8 years ago

i have a note 5 unlocked from sprint, using it on metropcs and my pic messaging is not working apns are correct still nothing….. can you help?

8 years ago

My internet Wi-Fi works great! but my calling and texting phone Wi-Fi works only 1/4 the time, don’t know what to do I have tried many of the APN settings. It usually tells me that the 911 address is a Error but I updated that how many times and it doesn’t seem to make a difference or it’s says “DNS Error”. Has anyone else have this problem or know what to do? I’ve called MetroPCS and they told me it’s on the Internet side to contact the internet and my internet company said it’s not on their side since my Wi-Fi internet works perfectly on my phone.

8 years ago

thank you so much! been losing my mind over this and metro was no help of course. I used the second to last option and it now works perfectly. Thanks again!

8 years ago

Verizon Samsung galaxy s 6 edge trying to change apn settings and nothing happened. help!

Andre Joseph
Andre Joseph
8 years ago

I have an unlocked Verizon Galaxy S5 and when I insert the given APN settings it doesnt work at all. Once it came in under the tmobile network for all of literally one second then went bck to no network at all. PLEASE HELP

Collette Soucy
Collette Soucy
8 years ago

I have a T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S5 that is unlocked and was using it on Metro PCS for a couple of weeks just fine. I got an OTA update to update to Marshmallow and went ahead and did the update. I woke up the next morning and had no service because my phone won’t register on any network. I’ve done troubleshooting with both Metro PCS and Samsung and still nothing. I’ve even done a hard reset and have wiped the cache partition and still nothing. Now a friend of mine is going through the same thing with his S5. Any suggestions? I’d really like to use my phone again!

8 years ago

I have an galaxy s6 and I got unlock it was from sprint..i got it turn on with metro was fine for a week now it wont let me receive group text…please help

Chase Bennett
Chase Bennett
8 years ago

Hi will the Moto x pure MMS work on metro. Its a global unlocked phone but I have been trying to research this and having no luck.

Micah Hayes
Micah Hayes
8 years ago

I unlocked my att phone to metro pcs however my hotspot and pic sending and incoming doesn’t work now, can you please help

8 years ago

My iPhone 5 doesn’t have the apn setting any idea what I do now ?

8 years ago

I tried these settings on my unlocked iPhone 6s and I still can’t send picture messages to android phones . I also can’t do group chat with android

Matthew Christian
Matthew Christian
9 years ago

I use old school flip phones and Nokia 2G/3G feature phones. I’d like to see the APN details for phones that are not Android nor iPhones.